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“Why is mommy crying? I want to see her.” that’s the voice that wakes me up from my deep slumber.

My whole body is aching and I have a throbbing headache. I force myself to climb off the bed and walk to the sliding door that leads to the balcony. I sigh as I think of the events that led to me coming here in tears. If it wasn’t for Ndabe, I think I would still be a crying mess even now. He held me, listening to my cries, until I fell asleep. I can’t believe my father said that to me. His words may have not been harsh but they hurt me very much. I chose Ndabe. I made my choice on broad day light. I knew the consequences of going for a man like him but I didn’t think dad would be like that.

“Baby.” Ndabe’s voice calls out. I walk back to the bedroom and he smiles a bit when his eyes land on me. “How are you feeling?” I shrug. He comes and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my head. “We are going to be fine. We will prove everyone wrong and we will be the family that they are not expecting. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?” I sigh and nod. “Now come.”

He leads me to the bathroom. I wash my face and dry it. I then look at him. He chuckles and steps out of the bathroom. I relieve myself and wash my hands. I walk to the bedroom and take off my dress. He unhooks my bra and hands me his oversized t-shirt. I put it on with his boxers and follow him to the dining room because I am starving. My eyes pop out when I see sis Lwah, Thandeka, Londy, bhut Sizwe, Luvuyo and Tristin in the dinner table. I give Ndabe a look and he chuckles.

“I figured you needed some emotional support and a few of people who love you surrounding you at this time. Maybe you will see how much we love you and you will have no choice but to blue tick depression.” I smile and shake my head.

“What am I going to do with you?”
“You can kiss me.”
“Okay that’s enough.” Bhut Sizwe says standing up and comes to hug me. “How are you doing my princess?” I blush and look up at him.
“I am okay. Better now that you guys are here. This means a lot to me.”
“Please don’t start with the tears.” Londy says standing up. She also comes to hug me. I just laugh. They all come to hug me and we settle down around the table.

“Just say the word and I can go deal with your family fast.” Sis Thandeka says and I chuckle.
“Karma will deal with them.”
“I can be karma. I don’t mind.” I just laugh and shake my head. Ahlelelwe enters the dining room. Her eyes wonder around the room and they settle on me. She smiles and comes to me.
“Are you okay mommy?” my heart immediately melts. She is turning 9 next month and I wanna throw her the biggest party. She is so loving and she does it effortlessly. You know that love from a child, which is just pure.

“I am fine angel. I was just too hormonal because of the baby earlier on. I am okay now.” She smiles and indicates that she wants to sit. I laugh. “Babe please fetch her chair.” Ndabe rolls his eyes but he does go and fetch her a chair. She sits down and we all start eating.
“Why didn’t you bring baby Yamihle aunty?” she asks sis Lwah who smiles.

“She was already sleeping when we left home and we didn’t wanna wake her up.”
“Ohh okay. Maybe mommy and I can come visit her during the day when she is not sleeping.”
“Yeah. You can come anytime.”

We eat dinner while engaging in small interesting conversations. Ahlelelwe is very entertaining and keeps us on our toes. When we are done, she finally exits the dining room but not without reminding sis Lwah of the visit. Ndabe goes to tuck her in while we all move to the lounge. He comes back and sits next to me. I look at him and smile. He catches me and gives me a questioning smile.

“What do you want?” he asks and I laugh. I shake my head and he raises his eyebrows.
“Fine. Can you please get me ice cream?”
“I knew it.” He stands up and heads to the kitchen.

“I was about to suggest that he pays lobola but I think with the amount of abuse he is subjected to, you should be the one paying it.” Bhut Sizwe says and we all laugh. I wasn’t even thinking about marriage. It’s too early for us. We haven’t even been dating for a month. We can’t be talking about marriage at this stage of our relationship.

“Even though I am being abused, I would definitely pay double the lobola for her.” Ndabe says walking in with a small bowl filled with ice cream and a bottle of a chocolate syrup. He places both things in the coffee table and brings it closer to me. He then sits down next to me.

“I don’t think my family would accept ilobola. Well firstly because it’s not our culture and because they are not very fond of you right now.” Tristin says and I swallow hard. I take my ice cream, pour the syrup in and start eating. “But you guys aren’t planning on getting married soon, so maybe by the time you think of taking things to the next level, things with the family would be normal.”

“I don’t plan on delaying my marriage to Dakota. I want our child to be born in a marriage and be called a Mpisi. I don’t want her to feel like an outside with her different surname. I want her to know me as her father from the get go. So Dakota and I are getting married in two months.” My eyes pop out. What the fuck? Why would he do that to me? Why didn’t he discuss that with me first before deciding for the both of us? I have no problem with Gram bearing the Mpisi name but he should’ve discussed the marriage thing with me first.

“And here I thought I would be the first one getting married between the two of us.” Londy says laughing. “God works in mysterious ways.” She continues laughing and sis Lwah joins them. Thandeka just chuckles and sits back. “Where can we get something to drink around here?” she asks already standing up. Ndabe chuckles.

“There is alcohol over there. I hope you find what you are looking for.” He points at the bar fridge in the corner by the TV stand. She stands up and quickly dashes there.
“Let me help you with those.” Sis Lwah says standing up. They serve everyone drinks. “Shame. Look at you not drinking. Consequences of unprotected sex right there.” everyone laughs.

“Leave me alone.” I say pouting and eating my ice cream. Gram decides it’s best to kick right this moment. I gasp and giggle handing Ndabe my bowl and placing my hands on my belly. “Hello baby Gram.”
“Is she kicking?” my brother asks already standing up from his seat and kneeling before me. I nod with a smile. I take his hand and place it on my belly. Gram is just kicking with no rest. He smiles widely and places his ear on my belly. I laugh shaking my head.

“Out of the way.” Sis Thandeka says pushing him away and also kneeling in front of me. We all laugh at her. Gram’s kicks amplifies when sis Thandeka places her hands on my belly. “Hello baby Gram. This is your favourite rich auntie. I will buy you a house as a welcome to the world gift.”

“Pressure wele.” Sis Lwah says as she also kneels near sis Thandeka. They both fuss over the kicks and end up playing with Gram, neglecting everyone in the room. I smile looking at these wonderful women kneeling before me and the other important people in this room. I realize that even if I don’t reconcile with my family, I have people who love me and who will support me every time I need them.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now