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Londy and I did go shopping and we shopped many things, even a few things for Gram. Okay I am lying, we bought a lot of things for Gram and I sent them to be delivered at Ndabe’s house. I know he is going to be pissed because he wanted us to do Gram’s shopping together. He didn’t want me to use my own money for baby Gram. But he will have to deal because Gram is also my child. Ndabe can be just too dramatic where Gram is concerned. Anyways I also bought a few things for Ma’Khanyi and Gareth. They are going to their honeymoon next week. They couldn’t leave straight after their wedding because they needed to sort out some family shit that stirred up. I think Gareth’s kids brought up some drama but Ma’Khanyi told us not to worry about it.

Anyways I have a lot of time on my plate since I am on my maternity leave, so I have decided to look for a proper private school for Asimbonge. His father can afford any school. I am also thinking of putting him and Ahlelelwe at the same school but I will have to ask Ahle how I feel about that.

Following my recent big fallout with my family, I have officially decided that Uncle Josh is the only family member who is going to help me with any of the wedding preparations and ceremonies. I know my brothers are going to back me up. But I also need to warn Uncle Josh about everything beforehand. My brother, Taylor, did come to visit and he actually forced me to go on an ultrasound scan so that he can see his niece’s growth live. He was so happy and he gave me some allowance when he left. I think I love being pregnant. The joy of receiving allowances randomly for no reason.

I get to Uncle Josh’s warehouse and we exchange greetings before heading to a nearby café. It’s frustrating sometimes that people think that pregnant women are always hungry. Sometimes you just wanna snack on something, like a burger or cake or ice cream, not eat until you’re full. So when we get to the café, I order a slice of bar one cake and a glass of milk. Don’t judge, baby Gram loves milk so much.

“Interesting choice of drink.” uncle Josh remarks and I roll my eyes. He laughs.
“It’s what my baby wants.”
“As long as it’s not cow poop, then I am fine.” He says shrugging and I become disgusted instantly.

“Eww, who would ever eat such a thing?” he chuckles.
“You would be surprised by what these bundle of joys make you crave. They can be impossible sometimes.”

“Well I am glad my baby is behaving.” A waiter brings my cake and milk. “Thank you so much my love.” she also hands uncle a cup of coffee and a muffin and then she leaves.
“I suppose this isn’t a social call.” He states looking at me and I sigh. I first chew on my cake, take a sip of my milk. Fuck the combination is so delicious. People should really try it.

“I don’t know how familiar you are to social media.”
“Ohh you mean that stunt my sister pulled? She can be such a bully sometimes. You should tell your man to arrest her. She insulted her in public. It’s not a strong charge but I am sure he can pay the cops to keep her for a weekend just to teach her some lesson.” I laugh.

“Uncle that’s evil.” He shrugs smiling.
“She deserves it.” I continue laughing. Uncle Josh is like one of those people who lives life according to his own rules and doesn’t give a fuck about what else is saying, except for his wife. He values her opinion so much. He is unapologetic.

“So Ndabe’s family wants to come and pay lobola before I give birth. Preferably in the next few weeks. After that we will be free to go get married at Home Affairs. And then we will do all the many Zulu ceremonies after I have given birth. This lobola has to be done fast because Ndabe wants Gram to be born and carry the Mpisi name from birth.”

“And you want me to carry out these negotiations?” I nod. “We are family, my darling. And I know this Zulu man of yours, so I wouldn’t have turned them away even if they showed up at my doorstep without you warning me. So tell them to send the letter anytime, preferably soon because babies have a tendency of coming earlier than expected.” I smile and squeeze his hand.

“Thank you uncle. So that early arrival, talking from experience?” he laughs before nodding.
“My lastborn actually came while we were attending a parent-teacher conference. He was set to arrive 3 weeks later. It was so random, I had to rush my wife to the hospital. She was busy screaming and Gemma kept on asking ‘is it time?’ ‘Is the baby here now?’ ‘Why is mommy screaming?’ I swear she was just adding to my stress.” I laugh.

“I am pretty sure Ahle will also be like that if Gram comes while she is present. She is too curious for her age.” He smiles.
“You must really like her.”
“I have grown an attachment to Ndabe’s kids just like he has fallen deeply for Gram. I swear sometimes it’s like he loves her more than he loves me.”

“I know how that feels and my wife has accused me of such. But what happens is that men love their women more than they love their kids, well most of them. They just don’t admit it. I have seen that guy and how he looks at you like you are the only breathing thing in the room. He is hooked and I am sure he would trade all of his wealth just for you. So never doubt his love for you and also don’t be jealous if he shows Gram more affection. Gram is you, she came from you. So he is basically showing you more affection.”

“You are very wise.” He laughs. “Well I will tell him to tell his uncles to send the letter. I don’t know which date they will pick. You will just have to inform me about it.”

“Okay then. You should definitely visit me, seeing now that you have free time on your plate. Even sleepover. I am sure your cousins would appreciate spending some time with you.” I smile.
“That seems like a plan. Although it will have to be on a weekday because weekends are for me and Ndabe.” He frowns.

“You guys don’t live together?”
“No. not that he doesn’t want that, he does, desperately. But I told him that I would only move in with him after the signing.”
“Wow. You are wise.” He says mocking me and I laugh.

I am informed by the receptionist that there is a matured woman here to see me that I don’t have an appointment with. Well since I have a free slot, I tell the receptionist to let the woman in. a few minutes later, the woman walks in. I quickly stand up when I see who it is. Mpisi’s supermodel of a mother. She is more beautiful up-close, kinda like my own mother.

“Mrs. Mpisi. What a lovely surprise. Dakota is not in by the way. What can I get you?” I mutter nervously and she chuckles.
“Relax. I am not here to see her. I know she is on her maternity leave.” I breathe out but I am still not comfortable not knowing what brings her here. “And please call me MaMcambi.”

“Okay MaMcambi. You can sit, please. Do you need something to eat or drink?”
“Oww no, I am fine. I just had lunch before coming here.” she says sitting down and placing her expensive designer bag on the desk.

“So what can I help you with?” she smiles.
“I believe that you haven’t planned any baby shower for my daughter in law. Mainly because she has already had a gender reveal party but I want you to plan one for her. An over the top baby shower and invite everyone who she will be comfortable having in her party. Male, female or gays, the gender doesn’t matter. You know all her people because you two are best friends, right?” I nod. “I want it to be a huge celebration and I want it done on the day they will be going to Home Affairs for the signing.”

“Ohh wow. I am pretty sure she will be very happy about this.”
“She better be.” She chuckles and I laugh a bit. “Don’t worry about the costs. Just send me your bank details and I will transfer the money instantly.”

I take out our card that contains our banking details and contact details and hand it to her. She takes it and taps on her phone for a few moments. The company phone beeps, indicating a six figure amount being deposited. My eyes pop out and I swallow hard. That’s a huge amount of money and its most people’s wedding budget, well those who are living a standard live.

“Please do inform me if it’s not enough. And Londeka I am trusting you because this is your best friend and you come highly recommended in this industry.”
“Thank you for trusting me, MaMcambi.”

“Have a great day then.” She stands up and heads out. Wow. I wish to have a mother in law like that. Dakota is so lucky.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now