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Getting to the lounge, I find everyone there. Even sis Lwah and Yamihle. She has become her human purse. I have to find a way to convince bhut Luvuyo to allow her to go to crèche because hanging out with too many adults and two toddlers won’t teach her anything. I greet them and sit down.

“How are you feeling this morning?” MaKhanyi asks.
“I am feeling good ma, even better now that I spoke to my mom this morning.”
“That’s great. What did she say?” Londy asks.

“She was just checking up on me. I am thinking of going back home next month but I am definitely going to permanently move out to my own apartment when my baby is three months old. I want to be independent and learn this thing called life alone, well with the new person on the way.”

“Wow, okay. So have you found a place yet?” sis Lwah asks.
“No, but I am going to make sure I look for it and just get everything settled before I give birth.”

“Or you can just go and stay at Thandeka’s old apartment. There you won’t even have to pay rent monthly. I am pretty sure she can sell it to you at a discount. All you will have to do is cover your monthly bills.”

“Thank you very much. And no, Londy, you are not moving in with me.” everyone laughs.
“I didn’t say I was.” She sulks. “I am not even going to visit you because you are so forward.”
“Says someone who is going to be spending every weekend there.” MaKhanyi says rolling her eyes and we laugh.
“Whatever.” Londy sulks and drinks hot coffee which burns her. She screams a little and drinks water fast.

“Soli nane.” Yamihle says looking at Londy with a sad face. OMG! She looks so cute. Can I please get a baby girl? A boy will also be cute, but a girl, made from my very own image, that would be so cool. Doing some twining with her all the time. By the way, Yamie means Ncane. She also calls me ncane but sometimes if she wants, she calls me tota and that’s her version of Kota.

After eating, we bid farewell to everyone. Sis Lwah, Yamihle and I going to the doctor while others are headed off to work. When we get to the doctor, we wait for a few minutes before heading to the consultation room. The doctors does all the checking up and then tells me to sleep on the examination bed. He plugs in the machine and does the ultra sound. The thudding sound indicating the beating heart makes me smile.

“There is you bundle of joy.” the doctor says with a smile. “Can you tell us the gender?” sis Lwah asks and the doctor nods.
“Well let’s see.” She moves the object she is carrying around my belly. “It seems like you have a princess on the way. A healthy bouncing baby girl.”
“Do you hear that nana? A new princess is joining the family. Are you excited?” sis Lwah asks Yamihle. The doctor wipes my belly and I button up my shirt, tucking it in my jeans.

“Okay.” She says unbothered and we just laugh at her. The doctor prints out the scanned pictures and hands it to me. I smile as I stare at them. She also hands me the prescription and we head out. Sis Lwah goes to settle the bill while I go fetch the prescription. We meet at the reception and then head to the parking lot. Luckily we came here using different cars.

“See you soon baby mama. Don’t tell anyone the gender. We are having a gender reveal party next week at my house. Can’t wait. Gosh I am so excited. Bye baby.” Sis Lwah kisses my cheek and then walk to her car. Yamie is busy waving at me with a smile on her face.

I climb inside my car and then drive off. I think about Mpisi and then just decide to fuck it and drive to his company. He has an office there but he doesn’t do much work. He just chills and sign some documents that need him on that day. I am hoping he is there. When I get to his building, I park in his 2nd parking space. A security guard quickly rushes to me but when he sees me, he smiles a bit.

“Miss Millers”.

Londy and I always come and visit bhut Sizwe, so most guards know me here. I smile at him and then head inside the building. I don’t even sign in or take the visitors’ tag. We never do. I know that Mpisi’s office is on the last floor. So I ride the elevator which takes me to his floor. The elevator door opens and I step out. There is a reception desk and only 2 rooms which I assume are offices. I open the first door and a long table with chairs come to view. I guess it’s the boardroom. I move on to open the second door, it’s slightly open so I walk in. he is talking to a certain woman. He then closes a file in front of him and hands it to the woman. She turns back to walk out but stops when she sees me.

“Can I help you?” she asks with some attitude.
“Glad to know you aren’t sleeping with this one, because if you are, then lady consider this your last day working here.” I fold my arms to my chest, tilting my head to the side and staring at her.

“Hey wife. Anele please excuse us.” he says looking at me with a silly smile plastered on his face. The lady walks out but without giving me a mean look. “I am so happy to see you. You have finally decided to give me a chance?” he is standing behind his desk. I walk in and place my bag on his desk.

“Hold your horses Mr. you think I wasn’t going to find out about the bitches you have been fucking the past month? You have the fuckin nerve to shower me with gifts and tell me that you love me while having a bitch warm your bed every fuckin night. You disgust me.” I take a stapler and throw it his way. Unfortunately he ducks it. I didn’t even know I was this angry until now.

“Baby calm down.”
“Don’t tell me shit. Don’t tell me what to do or how to react. You cheated on me.”

“Well basically it’s not cheating because we are not in a relationship. Dakota I am a man and I have needs. How do you expect me to survive because the man down there has to eat?” I take the desk phone and throw it at him. “Baby come on. Stop what you’re doing right now. You are going to hurt me.”

“I don’t give a fuck. You are not remorseful and you deserve every lash.” I walk to him and as I am about to slap, he grabs my hand, brings me closer to him and smashes his lips against mine.

“You don’t know how much I have been waiting to do that.” he murmurs into my mouth as his hands travel all over my body. I have been craving his touch for so long. I just decide to give in to the deep desires. My ager dissolve like Enno in water the minute he grabs my boobs. The princess decides to make an appearance as she gives one hard kick which makes me scream and giggle at the same time. He felt it because he stops kissing me and drops to his knees, placing his hands on my belly. “Was that…” I giggle and nod.

“That’s the princess greeting you.” he smiles.
“It’s a princess?”
“Yes, I found out the gender this morning but I am definitely going to have a gender reveal party just for control and not a baby shower.” He is still smiling. He stands up and hugs me tight.

“I love you so much. So are we good now?” he looks at me. I sigh and nod.
“But you need to apologize for cheating on me.” he chuckles.
“I am sorry for cheating on you baby. Allow me to take you out tonight to show you how sorry I am.” He licks his lips and I laugh.

“God you’re so horny.”
“Do you blame me? I mean have you seen how sexy you are?” he checks me out biting his lips and I just continue laughing. “So see you tonight neh?” I nod. “No, in fact don’t leave. Stay here with me because I am not doing anything.” I chuckle.

“What if bhut Sizwe walks in?” he huffs.
“Konje we still have to cross that bridge?”
“And many other bridges. One of the reasons why I didn’t wanna let you in. there are so many people who are going to be against our union. My parents will be the first ones to object to it. I don’t know how we are going to deal with this.” he kisses my head.

“We are going to deal with this together, as a family.” he rubs my belly and the princess kicks once more but this time the kick is soft. He chuckles. “I love you too my baby.”


My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now