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By the time they pulled up at the hospital, they had had enough of Dakota's screams and cries. Her contractions were closer and she couldn't stop calling out Ndabe's name. He was already waiting for them standing with two porters who were ready to wheel Dakota in. when the car parked at the front of the main entrance, the porters moved quickly and helped her out of the car, into the stretcher before rushing inside. When her eyes landed on Ndabe, she just wailed and that broke his heart.

After a lot of administration, he finally rushed to the labour ward and found her sitting on the cold floor in a hospital gown. He sat before her and held her hands. "My love." she raised her head to look at him. She was drained, her face red and it showed that she had recently stopped crying.

"I am here. I am not going anywhere. I will be here with you every step of the way." She sniffed.
"I don't wanna go through this again." Her voice was so low, like she was defeated. "I wanted to give you another child but I don't think I can handle this pain ever again." He brought her into his arms and kissed her head.

"I understand, baby. I have enough kids. I don't need more." she sighed and moaned when another contraction hit her. Which was followed by an intense one that made her scream and push him away. "Shall I call you a doctor?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"No. I want a holiday house." She breathed heavily. "A honeymoon around the world." she cradled her belly. "Shares in your company. Everything. I want you." He smiled a bit with his head tilted to the side. He had experienced his late wife making crazy demands during labour and even though she was going through pain, he was a bit amused.

"Everything I own is yours." He responded and she let out a small scream.
"I want that necklace. In fact hand it over, and your phone." her tone was stern and he laughed as he took off his necklace, making her wear it and also handed her his phone. "Good. Ahh!" she screamed and dropped the phone. "I feel the urge to push."

That brought Ndabe back to his senses. He carried her over to the bed and went to the corridor, screaming for everyone to hear as he called for help. After a few moments doctors and nurses made their way inside the labour ward and attended to Dakota as they checked how dilated she was.

"Mrs. Mpisi, we are so close to the finish line. I just need you to control your breathing and push. Do you need your husband to hold your hand?" the doctor asked in a polite smile. Dakota just nodded, starring at the ceiling. The doctor looked at Ndabe and he came closer, taking his wife's hands into his. "Now Mrs. Mpisi, your child's life is literally in your hands. I need you to push for me, as hard as you can. On the count of three, push."

She tried pushing until the baby came out, wailing like someone had pinched her. The medical team stitched Dakota up and cleaned the baby before placing it in Dakota's chest. Baby Gram had stopped crying and her eyes were wide open.

"She is perfect." Ndabe said and Dakota was just awestruck. She couldn't believe that her baby is finally here.
"Elmira Isiphile Mpisi." Dakota murmured and Ndabe smiled widely because of the Zulu name Dakota had thought of.

"I didn't know you were going to give her a Zulu name."
"You are her father and half of her family is Zulu. They should be comfortable with calling her by her Zulu name and not create one just to bully her with." She yawned and the nurse took the baby from Dakota.

"Mr. Mpisi, would you like to hold her?" the nurse asked as Dakota dozed off. Ndabe smiled widely before nodding. The nurse passed baby Elmira to Ndabe and they finished with Dakota before she was moved to a normal ward. Ndabe was mesmerized by Elmira's beauty. It was love at first sight and he didn't want to put her down.

"If you don't mind, we would like to get her checked out." the doctor said politely to Ndabe. He turned to look at the doctor.
"Is it weird that she has replaced her mother in my heart? That she is now the number one girl in my life and heart?" the doctor giggled and shook her head.
"It is not weird nor strange. Babies have that effect, especially newborns and I have helped deliver many to understand your feelings." Ndabe smiled and handed Elmira to the doctor even though he didn't want to.

"Can you please set up a cot next to her mother's bed?" he requested and the doctor nodded with a smile. He walked out and headed to the waiting room where his mother and mother in law were waiting. He was shocked to see his father, father in law, Tshedza and brother in law who was with Londy.

"How is she, daddy? And how is baby Gram?" Tshedza asked, her voice full of concern. Ndabe smiled before hugging his daughter. He then turned to everyone.
"She is fine. They are both fine. I have another daughter now. Her name is Elmira Isiphile Mpisi." He boasted and one by one, they congratulated him.
"Who came up with the second name?" Londy asked.

"She did." Ndabe answered. "She is resting now. I think you guys will have to come back in the morning, so that you can be able to see both of them awake." They all agreed before leaving.


I can't even feel my joints. I am super tired but I wanna stay awake. I wanna meet my daughter officially because I hardly saw her last night. I open my eyes and sit up, stretching my arms. My body is very sore. I look around and spot Ndabe sleeping on the couch with the baby in his arms. I am already replaced. I clear my throat and he moves a bit before opening his eyes. He looks at Elmira before raising his head to look at me.

"She is the new love of your life." He chuckles and shakes his head.
"I do have a wife, thank you for asking." He teases, pouting his lips and I giggle. I climb off the bed and feel dizzy instantly. "Take it easy, love."

He places Elmira in her cot before coming to escort me to the bathroom. He helps me bath before I change into fresh new cotton pajamas. He brushes my hair and tie it to a funny looking bun. I just laugh because I don't have the strength to redo it. We walk back to the room and he helps me sit on the bed before handing Elmira to me. It's like she can ready my mind because she opens her eyes and looks at me before bringing her small cute hands to her mouth and sucking them.

"Gosh, she is the cutest thing ever." I kiss her forehead and cheeks. No wonder Ndabe is hooked. Her beauty is hypnotizing. "She is a hypnotist." He laughs. "Why is she sucking her hands?"
"She is showing you that she is hungry. You have to feed her."
"Don't babies usually cry when they are hungry?"
"You are yet to witness her cry. Don't rush it." I chuckle.

"Can you help me?" he chuckles before walking closer to us. He has three children, so he knows how feeding is done. He guides me and it takes a few moments before Elmira gets the hang of things and starts sucking my boob. The action is tingling and strange but not sore. "Hello Chelekazi. Hello Faku. Hello Nyawuza." I kiss her cheeks and she closes her eyes, enjoying the breast milk.

"You continue amazing me every day." Ndabe states and I smile, not knowing how to respond to him. He bends and kisses my temples. "I can't wait to fuck you hard without worrying about hurting my baby." my mouth goes dry and he smirks.

"MY BABY PLEASE! I WANT TO SEE MY BABY!" I hear Londy's voice before I even see her face. Elmira starts fidgeting and I look at Ndabe.
"She is full. Let me help her burp." He takes her from me and places her head on his shoulder before I hear a small burp. Gosh, I think everything she does is cute. The door opens and Londy is the first one to walk in followed by our families and friends.

"My Elmira." Londy gushes before dropping everything she is carrying on the floor and moving closer to Ndabe. He hands her over. "My God. Babe, your genes are strong." She kisses Elmira before coming to sit on the edge of the bed. "How are you holding up?" I smile.

"I am doing okay, just a bit tired."
"You are not going to get pregnant again, right?" Sis Thandeka asks in an amused tone.
"Never ever again." They all laugh.

"Hello little sis." Tshedza moves closer to Londy and takes Elmira's small hands. She kisses it and my heart melts.
"You wanna hold her?" Londy asks and Tshedza nods before extending her arms. She kisses her.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now