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Walking out of Home Affairs after being declared Mrs. Mpisi feels so fuckin good. I look at my husband who has been smiling since morning. It feels good to finally call him that. ‘My husband’. He is mine alone and I would definitely kill any chick who would think about taking him away from me. The nice thing is that I wouldn’t even go to jail. Benefits of being a member of PRIDE. Which reminds me, I should probably tell him about that part of my life. I know we are sworn to secrecy but he knows about Sizwe being Dark Eagle, so I don’t think he will make a big deal about me being a gangster.

“Love.” he glances at me and back at the road.
“Yes sthandwa.”
“There is something I wanna tell you.”
“I am all ears.” I clear my throat.

“I am part of a gang called PRIDE which is led by Lioness and Dark Eagle.” He looks at me like I have grown horns and then breaks into laughter.
“Wow babe, you have jokes.” He says breathlessly as he slows down the car on the STOP & GO.
“I am serious. Look.” I show him my PRIDE ring and he frowns. He keeps quiet and drives until he stops the car at a bus stop and turns to me. He gives me the ‘explain’ look and I swallow hard.

“Since when?”
“It has been a few months now.”
“We were recruited in order to be able to protect ourselves from dangerous situations because Lioness can’t always be there to look after us. She has her own family.” he doesn’t say anything, he just keeps looking at me. I am starting to think telling him was a bad idea. Can someone borrow me a rewind remote?
“How much of the gang’s activities do you participate in?”

“None because of my condition and that won’t change after giving birth. I am part of PRIDE but it is merely for my own protection. I will only assist if I am really needed which I doubt will happen since there are so many members of the gang. I am only asking one thing from you. Don’t tell bhut Sizwe that I told you and don’t ask him to kick me out of the gang because that would be like signing my death certificate. Yes, they are involved in criminal activities but they are like my family. They are always there when I need them and they are important to Me.” he sighs and buries his face in his hands.

“Do you always carry a weapon?” he mumbles and I sigh.
“Yes, but you will never see it because I am very discrete and our kids will never know about this other part of me. You are my husband now. I ask that this stays between us. I shouldn’t have told you from the beginning but you know Dark Eagle, so that’s why I told you.” he exhales loudly and we are disturbed by his beeping phone. He checks it out and places it back on his pocket.

“So I have no say about my wife being part of one of Mzansi’s most dangerous gang?” he asks as he starts the car and join the main road.
“There are some things which we cannot control. We just have to live with them and hope that they don’t bite us back in the future.”
“But you are so young…” I chuckle.

“I am not the youngest one in the gang. You need to relax. I can handle myself and I can be very discrete. You will never have me leaving you in bed to participate in a heist unless it is really important and I will inform you prior if something like that happens.” He doesn’t say anything and I also exercise my right to remain silent. There are so many things I can say but I just want him to be able to think without me distracting him.

We finally drive in his house or our new home. I am stunned by the number of cars parked inside and outside the yard. I turn to Ndabe.

“Are we having a bash?” he laughs.
“It’s weird to hear a white person saying ‘bash’. Usually you guys go for ‘house parties’ or whatever shit.” I roll my eyes.
“That’s just stereotype.” He chuckles and parks the car at the vacant spot. I am sure his parents’ cars are inside the garage. He climbs off the car and comes to open my door. He helps me climb off and holds my hand as we walk towards the front door. We enter and I don’t find what I was expecting. We find no one in the lobby and it looks deserted. I turn to Ndabe.

“Where is everyone?”
“Probably in the backyard. Let’s head there.” I nod and allow him to lead me to the backyard.

I am too busy fiddling with my phone, I am stunned and I drop it when I hear people shouting SURPRISE. I look up and see the Mpisi family and some of my loved ones standing there with wide smiles. Ahlelelwe runs to us and picks up my phone. I am still shocked and frozen to one space. My mother in law comes to me and hugs me.

“Welcome to your baby shower, makoti. I know you said you don’t want one but I figured I should do something for you and my first white grandchild since I am your only mother in law.” She places a sash on me and then kisses my cheek. That makes me unfreeze and I just break down. I can’t hold myself.

“Come here.” I hear Ma’Khanyi and she pulls me inside the house, to the lounge. She makes me sit down and rushes to the kitchen. She comes back with a glass of water and I drink it. I calm down a bit and wipe my tears. She sits next to me and side hugs me. “We are here for you. We love you and we care about you and Gram. Your life matters. Blood doesn’t make you family but loyalty does. Don’t be too sad about your family being present. Until they come back to their senses, we will be here with you every step of the way and even if they come back, I will still be your number one.” I chortle and she smiles. “Now wipe those tears and come enjoy this amazing party your mother in law organized for you.”

“She did?” I am surprised by this.
“Yes. She gave Londeka the money to organize everything.”
“Now let’s go so that you can thank her properly.” She helps me stand up and we head back to where everyone is at. My mother in law is the first one to come forward again. This time I hug her first.

“Thank you so much for this.”
“Oww, his card did all the talking.” She points at her husband and I giggle. I greet most of the guests and Londy leads me to the big couch at the end of the tent.
“You sure know how to keep a secret from your best friend.” She laughs.

“I had to.” I roll my eyes but I am grateful because everything looks stunning. I sit down and Ndabe comes to sit next to me wearing Gram’s daddy sash. He brings me closer to him and kisses me. “Okay, we know you’re married now but there are still kids here.” Londy breaks us up and we laugh at her.

“Go to Krabi already.” I mutter and she laughs.

A waiter brings some finger foods and I almost kiss him because I am super hungry. I devour the food immediately and Ndabe just chuckles. The programme starts and all the speakers wish me well and their words touch me. There is also entertainment. Ahlelelwe comes to me and gives me a small cake.

“This is for my little sister, not you mommy.” I laugh.
“But I will also be eating it because she will get it via Me.” she frowns and turns to her dad who is stifling laughter.
“Then daddy can have it.” Both Ndabe and I burst out laughing. You gotta love children’s logic though.

“He and I are married now. So whatever that he has, he must share it with me.” she huffs and walks away, leaving us laughing our asses out. She can be so dramatic but she is my favourite. My mother in law stands up and takes the mic.

“I am so happy that my son has found someone to share his life with for the second time. I loved u MaMuller from the first time I laid my eyes on her. I could see her raising my son’s kids and actually turning their house into a home. She is very young but she is so humble and so warm. I love how she loves your kids and yesterday when I saw her carrying Ahlelelwe on her back, my heart swelled. She is heavily pregnant but she carried a nine year old on her back because she wanted her to carry on with her nap. If you weren’t already married, I would say ‘son, wife this girl’.” I giggle while Ndabe smiles with pride on his face. “I wish you safe delivery and I can’t wait to meet baby Gram. Hopefully you already have a name for her.” I laugh, but my laugh comes to a halt when my eyes travel to the entrance of the tent where I spot my parents standing there. What are they doing here?

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now