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Ever since that gender reveal party, my parents have never contacted me. I am a bit sad that they are not very welcoming to my partner, but the heart wants what it wants. I can’t let go of the love I have for Ndabe just because my parents don’t approve of him. Out of all the family members, except for Uncle Josh and his family, only Tristin has been in communication with me.

Right now I am on my way to see dad. Mom is very dramatic and I know she is going to blow things out of proportion. But dad can be soft when he is alone. Getting to his work place, I head to his office and find him talking with a young man.

“Miss Muller.” The young man says with a smile. He knows me, but who doesn’t around here? I am daddy princess and he has this huge portrait of me on the wall while he has small framed pictures of the rest of our family on his desk. I nod, acknowledging the young man. He keeps his eyes on me longer, like he is admiring me. Then his eyes pop out when he realizes that I have caught him staring at me. He clears his throat. “I will come back later Mr. Muller.” He quickly stands up and rushes out.

“He is quite a young humble man.” my dad says regarding me with a small smile that doesn’t even last for 3 seconds.
“How are you doing father?” I settle on the chair across him, placing my bag in the desk.
“I am fine. How is my granddaughter doing?”
“I am not sure, considering the amount of stress I had been under since the gender reveal party.” He frowns.
“Have you been experiencing some physical pain in your abdomen?”

“Some few cramps here and there. I went to the doctor before I came here and she told me to take it easy because my baby feels every pain and emotion I go through.” He sighs.

“But how can you do this to us Dakota? What are you looking for from that old black man? He has lived a lot. Why can’t you just go for your age mates? What’s wrong with them? Why are you doing this Dakota?” I close my eyes and exhale loudly. “You can have any man you want. Wayne is a good man. He is single and he is 4 years older than you. He doesn’t have any baggage and has never been married before, unlike that old pathetic black man.”

I open my eyes and look at the portrait of myself mounted on the wall. Dad always change it after two years. This one was taken on my first day at the college. I didn’t even know there was someone capturing the moment as I was making my way inside the building with a huge smile on my face. My life was less complicated back then.

“I love Ndabe daddy and I am not going to sit here and convince you to see him the way I do. I am hoping that one day you will realize the love we both share and you will stop being racist.” His face immediately changes. I know he is getting angry.

“I am not racist Dakota. I just don’t want my only daughter imprisoned without cuffs by a black man who will make you take care of his offsprings. Dakota his firstborn is a few years younger than you. What makes you think she will respect you or even give you the love or respect that you deserve? Think about it. Also his family is not going to accept you. I am not trying to talk down at you. You know how much I love you. Baby do you know how barbaric black in-laws are? They will abuse you so much, you will cry alone because you would be running away from the ‘I told you so’. Please break up with this man. He doesn’t deserve you.” I sigh and take my bag.

“I really thought you, as my father, would understand me or my feelings for Ndabe. I am disappointed that you are willing to lose me just to prove a stupid point.” I stand up. I can see worry in his face but he has too much pride. I never knew that it could play a huge role in our relationship.

“Come back home princess. We can just leave all this behind and move on with our lives. You will give birth to a beautiful healthy baby like you and you will find a man who is suitable for you.” I chuckle and shake my head. I thought I was getting through to him but I guess I can never change his racist mentality, even if I wanted to.

“I feel like this is the part where you disown me or something like that. But I will make things easy for you. You know how much I love you. You are the first man in the world to ever give me unconditional love and to ever show me that I deserve happiness in life. Today, I am choosing to follow my heart. I am not choosing Ndabe over my family but I am choosing my own happiness. If you guys really do love me, you will open your hearts and accept our relationship, but I am not going to beg you to do that or try to convince you. I am out of here and tell mom that I won’t set foot at home or any other gathering that doesn’t involve my siblings. Until you guys have accepted my life choices, this is goodbye. Please don’t contact me if you are still trying to convince me that Ndabe isn’t the right man for me. I will notify you once I have given birth. Goodbye father.” I walk out feeling like my entire world is about to crumble.

“DAKOTA!” my father calls out from behind me. “Don’t do this. Don’t forsake your family because of a man you haven’t even known for that long. He is going to turn on you. He is going to hurt you. He is going to make you his playground because you have made him a priority and you have chosen him over your own family.” I turn and give him one final look before I rush to the elevator. I climb inside the elevator and watch him as the door closes slowly. He is giving me a pity look but you can also see some tears in his eyes which he doesn’t wanna let go of.

“Bye dad.” I whisper softly and the elevator door finally shuts.

My body shakes as the elevator descends. My eyes are heavy with tears and I know the moment I let them fall, I won’t be able to control or stop them. I stumble my way to the car. Opening it and sliding inside, I let out a huge breath. My lower lip is quivering like I am feeling cold but I know it is yearning to let out a painful scream. With my shaky hands, I drive out of parking lot. My heart is torn into pieces. He doesn’t care about my feelings or my heart’s desires. He thinks all this is just a phase that will pass. He doesn’t have faith that I have the power to build and turn Ndabe’s house into a home. He doesn’t believe in me and he doesn’t want to see me happy, well he does but with someone he approves. Preferably white or loyal, like Wayne.

I shock myself as I park on the driveway of the Mpisi household. He doesn’t know I am coming. What if he is not here? What if he has guests? What if his kids are here? What will they say about me? All those questions are ringing inside my head but I ignore him as I strut towards the door. I need him now more than ever. I need his chest to be my pillow as I am about to cry out all these tears. The first breakdown moment happens when my eyes land on his. He is sitting at the lounge with a child in his lap. He raises his eyes and they meet mine. He immediately puts the child down and walks to me.

“Ndabe.” That comes out as a whisper. Before he can even reach me, I throw my hands on his neck and release a loud cry.

“Baby, what’s going on? Please talk to me. What happened?” I don’t miss panic in his voice but I can’t bring myself to utter a single word. When he establishes that I am not going to say anything, he picks me up and we head to his room. He places me on the bed, takes off both our shoes and as we lay down, he brings me closer to his chest. “Baby please talk to me. I am getting really worried right now. Did something bad happen?” I nod and shake my head at the same time. I know I am confusing him but I have suddenly lost my voice or ability to speak. All I am doing is wail.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now