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After spending a full day at the hospital, Elmira and I are finally discharged. Luckily I am healthy and so is she, so there was no reason for keeping us longer. The amount of gifts she received in her first day is ridiculous. I don’t even understand these people. They bought gifts for her on the gender reveal party, on the baby shower and now they have bought more gifts. I am pretty sure I would have to give away some of her clothes because there is no way she will wear all of them. The kid actually has an outfit for each day for the next three months. That’s how dramatic people surrounding her are.

Ndabe arrives at the hospital looking handsome in a navy tight shirt, navy dress pants and black shoes. I am jealous of the females who have been staring at him since he entered this hospital. This time around he comes straight to me and hugs me before kissing me.

“Hello my beautiful wife. How are you doing this morning?” he is so charming. I just smile and look the other way. “My charming game is too much?” I giggle and nod.

“I am good. Apart from her cries,” I point at Elmira who is sleeping on the bed next to me. “I am doing okay. They are not too much but I am glad I will share the responsibility with you.” he chuckles.
“Not that I need to, but I am off work for the next four months, so I am going to be there for you guys all the way.”

“Thank you, love. Now how are you doing this morning?”
“I am going to sleep with my wife in my arms tonight. Guess how I am?” I chuckle. “Anyways, Ahlelelwe is mad at us.” I frown.
“What did we do?”
“Remember her birthday wish?” I try remembering and I chuckle when I finally remember her wish.
“We will find a way to manipulate her.” he laughs before picking up Elmira.

“Hello, my angel.” He kisses her and rocks her back and forth even though she is sleeping. “You guys are good to go, right?” I nod and take the only bag left.

We make our way out and I don’t miss the glances he receives from most females we pass. At that moment, his only focus is on the treasure in his arms. We get to the parking lot and he opens the back seat of my car. I slide inside and he places Elmira in my arms before going to enter on the other door. Before I even ask, a man clears his throat in the driver seat.

“Good morning, Mrs. Mpisi.” He says before bringing the engine to life and waking Elmira in the process.
“My love, this is your new driver, Vhuthu. He is going to be with you guys for the first six months and will drive you anywhere you want to go if I am not available or if I wanna chill with you in the backseat.” I chuckle. “You may choose to relieve him of his duties or keep him around after six months. Totally up to you.” I nod.

“Nice to meet you, Vutu, I am Dakota. Ow I guess you already know that.” both men chuckle. Ndabe takes Elmira from my arms and plays with her a bit. “She can’t even hear what you’re saying.” He chuckles.
“In due time, she will.” I frown when I see that we are driving towards an opposite direction. “Where are we going?”

“To your house.” He responds carelessly and it actually takes me a few moments to realize which house he is talking about. An automatic smile spreads on my cheek and he winks at me.

We get to our new house. The kids are already waiting outside. They are with Mr. and Mrs. Mpisi senior. The moment the car comes to a halt, Ahlelelwe is the first one to sprint towards it. I climb out and she attacks me with a hug.

“Mommy! I missed you so much. Where is Elmira?” and here I thought she was angry.
“She is with your father but you will only see her once we are inside because she will get cold outside and she will be forced to go back to the hospital.” She nods.
“Why are we going inside? Whose house is this?”
“This is our new home.”

“Foreal?” I nod. She screams and runs to the front door which is wide open. Mrs. Mpisi comes to greet us and we all walk inside the house.
“I would do anything for a hot cup of coffee right now.” I murmur looking at Ndabe.
“Let me get it for you.” his father chirps in and my eyes pop out.

“No. you don’t have to baba. I will get it for myself once I have settled down.” I am ashamed right now. He smiles.
“Don’t worry. My wife was also craving for one when we pulled up. How many teaspoons of sugar do you like?” I look at Ndabe and he nods.
“4 teaspoons of white sugar and please add the creamer.”

“Can I please also have one?” Ndabe requests and his father gives him a death stare. “But dad I am carrying precious cargo.”
“Give the baby to Ahle, she has been dying to carry her.” he walks to the kitchen. We head to the lounge and find the kids already sitting. Ndabe places Elmira in my arms and walks away. I walk closer to Ahlelelwe who looks like she can’t contain her excitement.

“Meet Elmira Isiphile Mpisi.” I sit next to her and show her how to handle the baby. Her smile widens and I take the opportunity to snap a few pictures which come out looking so adorable. After a few minutes, Elmira starts fidgeting and lets out a small cry. Ahlelelwe hands her over and I give her my phone while I shush Elmira. The Mpisi men walk in with 7 cups in their trays.

“Let me hold her while you sip your coffee.” Ndabe states after handing the other cups to Tshedza and Asimbonge. He places two cups on the coffee table and takes Elmira. He goes to sit next to Asimbonge who quickly places his cup on the table and holds his sister.

“Your friends wanted to come and see Elmira but our culture doesn’t permit that. We told that to wait at least a month before they can see her. Inkaba would have fallen by then.” Mrs. Mpisi comments and I nod. Ma’Khanyi explained this to me. She actually said it can take up to three months before people can see the baby. But since our generation likes this, it usually takes less now.

“I understand ma.”

“Once she has been cleared for travelling, you have to come to KZN so that we can introduce her to the ancestors. She can’t bear the Mpisi surname and not be introduced to the ancestors. She is not our blood but she is one of us and she deserves protection by our ancestors. Maybe you can have the traditional wedding earlier than the white wedding. We can have Elmira’s ceremony on the first weekend after she turns three months and then on the same month, umkhehlo and umembeso. You can have the traditional wedding on the following month.” Mr. Mpisi states looking at Ndabe who looks at me.

“We will have to discuss this with my wife in private and then get back to you.” Mr. Mpisi nods. “Do you need to rest?” I sip on my coffee and nod. “We will see you guys later.” He stands up. I look at Mrs. Mpisi.
“I will have someone deliver food for lunch and super.” She chuckles.

“Don’t worry, dear. I have everything covered. Just go rest.” I nod and follow Ndabe upstairs with Ahle on our tails. She used to be our baby, I wonder how she is going to feel now.

We get to our room and I smile when I realize that there is no wall between the nursery and our room. The nursery looks so neat. I wonder where the other stuff is. Ndabe sits on the edge of the bed. I take off my shoes before I climb on the bed and cover myself with the blanket.

“You’re cold?” he asks and I nod.
“Mommy, here is your phone.” Ahle hands me back my phone, goes to kiss Elmira and walks out, shutting the door behind her. I am amazed by her level of maturity. Ndabe joins me under the blanket. I feed Elmira and when I am done, I put her between us. It doesn’t take long for her to doze off. Newborns are lazy AF.

“What do you feel about what ubaba said?” he asks and I sigh.
“He is the head of your family, so what he says goes. I love you and I don’t mind doing the traditional wedding even though I don’t know half the shit that’s done there.” he chuckles.
“First of all, don’t swear in front of my baby.” he threatens and I feel some butterflies in my stomach.
“What are you going to do about it? Spank me?” his eyes darken and he smirks.

“You are giving me an idea, but I don’t wanna rush your healing process. But trust me, you will receive a lot of spanking and fucking after 6 weeks.” My mouth goes dry again. I don’t think I can’t handle any more dick threats from him. “Speechless Dakota? I think I like that. Anyways, I will explain to you all the procedures and the ceremonies to be done prior to the traditional wedding. Just stick with me and I will take you places.” I roll my eyes and he laughs.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now