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They said the miscarriage was because of Hormonal Abnormalities. Something about low progesterone levels and fibroids or a uterine septum, embryo nton-nton. Honestly I didn't care about all that explanation. I was sadder about the actual reality that my wife and I lost our second child, the one we didn't even know about. I was very heartbroken about our loss but what broke my heart more was the fact that my wife was more worried about me and my feelings, seeing that I was the one who wanted the second child so badly. She was approaching her third month, so some parts had already formed.

I enter her ward with a paper bag and she sits up. Her eyes are red and swollen. Which means she was crying in my absence. I place the paper bag on the table and go hug her without any explanations. It doesn't take much time for her walls to break down and she starts wailing. I rub her back and she cries even more. She is even shaking.

"We didn't deserve this, Vuyo. We didn't. How could God do this to us? What did we do to deserve being deprived to being parents for the second time? Why?" I don't answer. Instead I wait for her to calm down. After what seems like forever, she stops crying and breathes out loud. She sits back on her pillows and looks at me while wiping her tears. I sit on the edge of her bed and hold her hands.

"We are not perfect. We are just human beings. These things happen all the time. Love, life, loss, grief, disappointments, happiness amongst others. God never said we will only experience good things, but we also have to go through tough times in order to say 'we have made it in the -for better or for worse- stage of life'. It is hard, trust me, we are experiencing the same pain. But what is important is that we should appreciate what we have. We are allowed to grieve our loss and not rush it. But at the same time, God has blessed us with a beautiful princess who knows nothing about what we are going through. She is expecting hundred percent love from us and we are going to give her that, but we are not going to ignore the fact that we lost our child and I will not allow you to prioritize my feelings more than yours." She sniffs and nods. "We should go to Barkly West for cleansing and the naming ceremony. We can just spend a few days away from people and maybe come back when we have healed." She gives me a weak smile before nodding.

"Owenkosi. That is going to be his name. Owenkosi Sithole because he belongs to God." she says with a smile while tears stream down her cheeks. I wipe them and kiss her forehead.
"We will get through this, together, as a family." she nods. "I love you mama wabantwana bami." She blushes.

"I love you too baby daddy." I raise my eyebrows and she laughs. "Okay, fine. I love you too my munchie." I smile and she continues laughing. "God, you're so petty."


We couldn't go see Lwah and Jobe last night because I was tired and I couldn't leave our guests. Jobe totally understood. I was beyond heartbroken when I discovered sis Lwah actually had a miscarriage. I know I didn't want baby Gram in the beginning. Heck, I even tried to get rid of her but now I love her to bits. I can understand the pain of losing a child. What's worse is that she didn't even know about it. But I think she would've been more heartbroken if she already knew about the pregnancy.

Anyways, many incidents happened last night. One major being the fact that Ndabe's family wanted us to do things properly before officially tying the knot. They didn't care about me being white and my family not being familiar about some of the Zulu traditions. That's what you get for marrying into a Zulu family. They will force their traditions down your throat without even carrying about how you feel about them. Marry a Zulu man, they said, but they never elaborated on the stress that comes with a Zulu wife title.

Anyways, the Mpisi family spent the night and it looks like they are going to spend the entire day in here. I am so happy that Ndabe's ex-wife's family left. After that encounter with Ahlelelwe's aunt, I honestly didn't feel comfortable around them. I was even starting to feel paranoid. So I wake up, Ndabe isn't even in bed anymore. I wonder where he is in this big house. Probably chatting to his family. I go shower and get dressed in a three-quarter sleeve V-neck colour block regular dress and sandals. I tie up my hair and put on some lipstick. I head to Ahlelelwe's room first and find all three of the children there. I then think about the chat I had with sis Lwah earlier this week.

"Hey guys." I say and they greet back. I go sit on the couch and Ahlelelwe immediately comes to sit next to me, cuddling with me. Honestly I think if I wasn't pregnant, she would be sitting on my lap like every time, not even caring if she is heavy or not. "So there is something I want to ask you guys before you leave." Both Asimbonge and Tshedza nod. "How comfortable are you at the boarding school? Do you like it there? Do you want to come back home? Like your father and I are going to be married and I will turn this house into a warm home. Do you want to come back and live like Ahle? See your dad every day and actually bond with him?" they both keep quiet looking at me. Asimbonge sighs.

"I think it would be really cool to come back. I love living with my old man and sometimes I get a bit sad when I have to leave home. I get homesick and at times I don't wanna call home because I don't wanna bother dad so much. So that's why I focus my attention on the video games. They comfort me when I am feeling lonely. So yah, I would love to come back and study in a school around here." he says with a smile and that warms my heart. He is actually warming up to me and that feels so good.

"What about you Tshedza?" I ask.
"I only have a year and a few months left in my school. It would be very unrealistic of me to move back here. But I did promise dad that I will study in UJ or UP and live here when I am done with high school." she says and I nod.
"That's cool then. So let's go have breakfast." I say already standing up. Ahle squeezes my hand.

"Can I get a hug from you?" Asimbonge asks and I giggle, opening my arms. He comes to hug me and even kisses my bump. Gosh that makes my heart swell. "It's baby Gram, right?" I laugh and nod. "Hey there baby Gram. This is Asimbonge, your big brother but you can call me big bro in order to avoid biting your lip. So behave and don't trouble your mother." OMG! I am literally blushing right now and holding back tears. He smiles at me and then we all head downstairs. There is so much noise and it's so busy in the kitchen. The kids go their separate ways while I go greet the people in the kitchen and the lounge. I then go out in search for Ndabe and find him sitting in the patio with his father. Not wanting to interrupt them, I start walking back inside but he calls me.

"Babe, come here." he says and I walk to them. I sit on a vacant chair and greet them.
"You look beautiful, makoti." Mpisi Senior say and I blush before thanking him. "So my son is telling me about how fucked up your relationship with your family is right now." I nod. "So is there anyone else we can pay lobola to and do other ceremonies with?" he enquires and I nod.

"I have an uncle, my dad's younger brother and he lives here in Joburg and he is married to a Ndebele woman so he is more open and welcoming about different cultures." I say and Mpisi Senior nods.
"So he wouldn't have a problem with us coming to pay lobola for you next week?" he asks and my eyes pop out.

"Isn't that too soon?" I ask before I can even stop myself. Both the men chuckle.
"You are already pregnant and close to your birthdate MaMuller, so this should be done as soon as possible. My son wants the child to bear his name, so it would make us more comfortable if he at least paid lobola for you before forcing his name on you and the child." Mpisi Senior states and I nod. The MaMuller part is amusing though. Is this how they are all going to call me after I have married Ndabe traditionally?

"I hope I am not being rude or noisy, but where is Mrs. Mpisi Senior?" I question and they both laugh. Okay, what's funny about what I am asking?
"She is that woman who asked about the gender of the baby during dinner last night." Ndabe answers and my eyes pop out.
"That Halle Berry Bombshell looking creature?" they laugh at me again.

"That's not a compliment I get most of the time, so thank you MaMuller." A voice says behind me and I turn to find the bombshell behind me looking like Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks and Halle Berry all combined. Fuck. Mpisi Senior has taste.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now