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Thandeka is my best friend, my sister and confidante. So I was pained when I saw her break down because of the possibility of her future daughter having a live lioness inside of her. That’s why I called aunt Thembelihle and told her about us coming to see her. She didn’t mind, and so I borrowed the jet from bhut Sizwe. Thandeka and I took the kids because you may never know how long your trip can be. You can plan on returning home by evening only to find out that there are some pressing issues to attend to before heading back home. So that’s why we packed overnight bags for us and the kids.

These kids are used to traveling by plane, so they are not even fazed. Instead, they are cooped up in their siting area and pretending as if Thandeka and I don’t exist. That’s another thing about them. When they are together, they seem to shut everyone out and then it’s just the three of them. The twins’ vocab have very few words but somehow they communicate well. We would’ve come to Swaziland at a later stage but we didn’t want to miss the birth of baby Gram. Yeah, she has reconciled with her family but she is like our little sister. So we want to be there for her and with her when the time comes.

“I think one other kid is enough for me and then I retire.” I mutter and Thandeka laughs.

“That’s not what my brother wants. At least four kids. When we grew up, it was just the two of us. So we got lonely sometimes. I am sure he doesn’t want the same fate with your kids.” She states and I shake my head.

“The beauty of everything is that the kids won’t ever be lonely. We should maybe get pregnant the same time the next time, so that the next pair will be inseparable like those three.” She chuckles. “One boy and then I am done.” She looks at me with a small smile. I can see the longing in her eyes. She wishes to have a baby girl but she can’t bring herself to say it because of the many complications she might have in the pregnancy and the life her baby girl may live.

“Nolby’s reaction was priceless though.” She starts off and I laugh. I know my friend. She is very outspoken and hardly shy. So when Stevens popped the question randomly like that, we were all puzzled by her temporary mute state. I am worried about her family though. I don’t think they are going to accept Stevens. Worst is that he is white. I think it would’ve been a lot better if he was black.

We finally arrive at the Swaziland airport and we drive to the mall first to pick up a few things. We then drive to aunt Thembelihle’s house. You would think the kids would be asleep by now, but no. these trouble makers are wide awake and they are very curious. Asking questions all the way and expecting answers even though we don’t understand half the shit they say. We get to the house and head inside to find Charity watching TV. She immediately stands up and comes to hug us.

“Sanibonani. I am so happy to see you guys. How are you doing? How was your trip?” she beams already picking up Yamihle and playing with her. They are familiar with each other, so she doesn’t throw any tantrum.

“Hello Thithi.” Yammy says in an adorable tone and Charity smiles. That’s how Yamie calls Charity.

“We are doing pretty great and our trip was short and sweet.” Thandeka states as we take our seats on the couch.

“Let me get you something to drink. You must be thirsty from all the travelling.” Charity says and then places Yamihle down. She heads to the kitchen and the triplets follow her. We hear her laughing. I am sure she wasn’t expecting the toddler company she is having right now.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now