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“In two months? Really?” I ask Ndabe as we climb inside the bed after our guests have left. He smiles shrugging and switches off the main light. “No. you are not going to ignore me like that. We need to talk about this. Now Ndabe.” He takes off his clothes and comes to join me wearing only boxers.

“Okay babe. Talk. I am listening.”
“How could you drop a bomb like that on me? How are we even going to get married while I haven’t fixed things with my family? I haven’t even met your family.”

“There is nothing you should fix with your family. They are the ones who should fix things with you because they wronged you. And relax. Whenever you want to meet my family, just say the word. But they are not important. My kids are the important people in my life. It would make me so happy if you were to get along with them but I don’t want you to force things or strain yourself while trying to make them love you. I don’t care if they love you or not. As long as they acknowledge you as the number one woman in my life.” I nod and stare at the ceiling. I am not really worried about Asimbonge but I am shit scared about meeting Tshedza. Where am I going to start mothering a 16 year old?

“So what kind of a ceremony did you had in mind when you planned this quick wedding?” he laughs. “No, tell me.”
“Okay. I am not sure what kind of a wedding you are going to like. I am flexible with whatever you choose. I have been to the altar before, so what I want doesn’t really matter.” I frown and turn to him.

“Bhuty this is both our wedding. My first and hopefully your last. So your opinion is very much needed. First things first, are we going to have the Zulu ceremonies?” he chuckles.
“What do you want us to do baby? White wedding? Zulu traditional wedding? Or both? What do you want us to do?” I sigh and shrug.
“I know most if not all Zulu men love the traditional wedding more. So we can do it but skip the lobola part because my family doesn’t believe in that and I don’t want them to be an obstacle standing in the way of us getting our perfect wedding.” He nods.

“I would really love to see you in isidwaba with gall on your head just to indicate that you are a Mpisi wife officially.” I giggle and shake my head. I knew it.
“So who is responsible for the planning because I am not going to put myself under stress and plan a wedding in 60 days? I can’t afford to get stressed because that might endanger Gram’s health.”

“Kaboentle and Marica are the ones responsible for the planning. We have a brunch meeting with them tomorrow.” Kaboentle and Marica work under our company and they are almost as good and Londy and I.
“You have everything figured out neh?” he laughs and nods. “Well I guess buying an apartment will be a waste of money and looking for one will be a waste of time.”

“I can buy you an apartment as a wedding gift. You may need some time out from time to time and you can go there just to catch a breather. I don’t want you to feel like you are not allowed to go out and be free every once in a while just because you are married. You are still young. You are allowed to experience life and even party. Just don’t cheat.” I laugh as I wrap my arms around him. My bump is making me very uncomfortable but I want Ndabe’s closeness, so the slight uncomfortableness will have to deal. I love that he wants me to continue being myself even after getting hitched. “So do you have some demands to be met before we tie the knot?” I laugh. Demands? Really?

“Well there is one demand I would like. But it doesn’t have to be met. It’s not that important.” He frowns and sits up.
“What is it?” I snort and pull him back to his sleeping position.
“Chill tiger. I don’t know, but I don’t think I would feel completely comfortable in a house that was once occupied and ran by another woman. I don’t want it to be like I wanna erase her memory or something, but I would like us to start afresh, in a new house. It’s not compulsory. So you don’t have to move if you love this house.” He just chuckles and shuts me up with a kiss.

“I honestly don’t mind a new house and I get you my love. Starting over is very important if you want to build something solid. So I will definitely have my PA look into houses. What kind of a house would you like? A mansion? Tuscany style? A cabin? Courtyard? Manor?” I look at him in astonishment.
“How many type of houses do you know?” he smirks.

“Enough. Now tell me what kind of a house you would like to live in and I will make it happen. But can it please be situated here in Gauteng? I don’t even mind moving to Pretoria.” I smile.
“Well, there is a 14m courtyard house in Sandhurst Woodside Avenue. It’s really beautiful.” I say in a small voice and he chuckles.
“The only thing I heard was 14 my love. Then you went mute after that.” I giggle shyly. “So please speak up baby.” I clear my throat and look at the ceiling.

“There is this R14 million courtyard house in Sandhurst, 2 Woodside Avenue. It is really beautiful. But we can also settle for a single story house also in Sandhurst which is about R7 million.” He looks at me and plays with my ring finger.
“You are going to be Mrs. Mpisi soon. Everything you want, you are going to get. Even if it’s R50 million. So we are going to go look at that courtyard house. How many rooms does it have?”

“One for each of the kids, including Gram, a master bedroom and a guest bedroom. It also have a huge pool and a nice backyard. I really love it. Well I fell in love with its photos. Maybe I won’t like what I saw live.” He smiles.
“I will tell my PA to make an appointment with the agent.”

“Thank you, Chelekazi.” He breaks into laughter and caresses my cheeks.
“Say that again.” I shake my head. “Please love. I promise I won’t laugh. You just surprised me, that’s all. Now how do you know my clan names?”
“I did my research.” I say proudly and he perks my lips.
“My little researcher.” I giggle.

Luckily this morning, we are not woken up by the human alarm, Ahlelelwe. Maybe she has gone to school. I then remember that I also have to be at work. I sit up from the bed and stretch my arms yawing. That causes Ndabe to stir from his sleep but doesn’t wake up. If I wake him before taking a bath, he might delay me or even make me skip work. I climb off the bed and rush to the bathroom. Morning pee is always the worst. After relieving myself, I fill the bathtub with warm water and then brush my teeth in the meantime. I put on a shower cab and then take a bath.

When I am done, I dry my body and then style my hair into little curls in the ends. I head to the walk in closet where most of my stuff is at. After lotioning, I get dressed in a black Helmut Lang asymmetrical alpaca poncho sweater, patched up skinny jeans, black vest underneath and black sandals. I pack some of my stuff in my handbag and when I enter the bedroom, I frown when I don’t find Ndabe on the bed. Instead I hear the shower running. I decide to wait for him on the already made bed and check my messages. After a few minutes he steps out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He smiles when he sees me. He comes to stand in front of me and kisses me.

“How is my future wife and baby doing this morning?” I smile and stand up.
“We are doing really good daddy. How are you?”
“I am more than fine. Seeing you smiling early in the morning is a great way to start my day.” He is such a smooth talker. “Anyways let me quickly get dressed and we will go eat breakfast downstairs.” He walks to the walk in closet, giving me his back to feast at. Damn he is too sexy for an old man. His sexiness should be banned really. When he emerges again, he is wearing a black tight t-shirt, jeans and black sneakers.

“You are such a copycat.”
“I don’t care.” He says pouting and I laugh. He takes my handbag and we head downstairs. We go straight to the dining room and I nearly collapse when we find all Ndabe’s children sitting and waiting for us or rather him. I even forgot they were here. Good God. Can someone quickly come and fetch me from this trap I just walked into? “Good morning good people. It’s good to see you all alive and well.” He goes to hug all 3 of them. Ahlelelwe is the only one smiling at me. The others are looking at me like they have seen an alien. Ndabe opens a chair for me and I sit down. He sits down next to me. “Well my beautiful children, this is Sis Dakota, my future wife. Baby that’s Asimbonge and Tshedza.” I clear my throat.

“Nice to finally meet you, Asimbonge and Tshedza. Your father and Ahlelelwe always talk about you.” I say in a controlled voice.
“Well I can’t say the same about you. In fact this is the first time I am hearing about you.” Tshedza says in a tight smile, taking a sip from her juice.

“Tshedza, that’s no way to speak to an adult. Respect her, start now, or else we are going to have a problem. Or do you want us to have a problem?” her father asks with a sharp tone.
“No daddy.” Tshedza says quickly and keeps her eyes on her food.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now