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Opening my eyes, I am shocked by the Rasta who is cuddling me. Now that was fast. When did he get here? His breathing pattern is normal which means he is not in deep sleep. I couch and he smiles before opening his eyes. That’s how I usually wake him up.

“Are you okay?” he asks quickly, bringing me closer to him. He can’t function when there is space between us. I chuckle and nod. “I was worried sick about you. When Wawa called saying you had passed out, I literally ran out and left an important meeting. What’s wrong baby? You are the healthiest person I know. Now how come you fainted? It doesn’t make sense.” I smile at him. I know I should be telling him this now but I still wanna wrap my head around it. I also have so many questions to ask aunt Thembelihle, so I would rather tell him later, when I have all the answers to his questions which I know he is going to ask.

“It was just shock, my love. I am fine now. You don’t need to worry.”

“Oww but I do worry about you. You may think that I am cool as a cucumber when it comes to your safety because you are not normal but I worry about you a lot. Even lionesses are preys to some creatures, so I worry about your safety and wellbeing 80% of the time.” My heart melts at his confession. I blush and look the other way, while finding a way to stop the tears that are forming in my eyes.

“Not that I want you to worry about me the whole time, but I am happy you said something like that. I love you so much.” I turn to him when I have my emotions in order and then kiss him. He smiles and kisses me back while climbing on top of me. Trust my husband to think about sex when I had just fainted. This one time I got dizzy and he fucked me ‘for balance’.

“MANI! MANI!” a bang on the door makes us both freeze. Only one person calls me MANI and I know she won’t leave until I attend her. Sizwe groans before climbing off me. I laugh and sit up. That’s when I actually take time to look around.

“Where are we?” he chuckles.
“Charity’s house. She learnt it to us for a few days because we can’t be shagging each other in aunt’s house, that’s disrespectful. Worse for Jobe.” I frown.
“He is also here?”
“Yes. Probably the reason why Yami is at our door and not on theirs.”

“MANI!” the bang comes again and I laugh before sliding off the bed and opening the door. She is standing there with this adorable smile on her face. You can’t even reprimand her when she has that face on. That’s her ultimate weapon. I crouch to her level.

“Yes baby.”
“Lambile. (I’m hungry)” she brushes her belly.
“Where is your mother?”
“With dada.”
“And your brothers?”

“Sleeping. Morvite.” I know she is done talking. She looks behind me and her smile widens. “Lasta.” She rushes to the bed. Her memory is the worst. She always chooses to store those crazy names which people hate, in her mind. I know how Sizwe hates being called by Rasta but he can’t say anything to the Sithole princess. I laugh shaking my head.

“Don’t you wanna keep me company while I make you food?” she quickly shake her head and raises her arms to Sizwe who chuckles before picking her up. Seeing him with Yamihle warms my heart. My hand automatically goes to my belly. I know he is going to be the best father to our daughter.

It’s easy to spot a kitchen, so when I get there, it takes me a bit of time to actually find the Morvite. I prepare it and allow it to cool down a bit. My brother walks in wearing only dark jeans.

“So this is your home now?” I tease and he laughs.
“Are you okay?”
“I am fine. You don’t have to worry about Me.” he gives me a hard look and I chuckle. “Okay, do worry about me, but not too much.” He nods.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now