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Both Thandeka and Lwandeka are busy, so they asked me to come take Yamihle to the farmhouse. Well I heard them talk about this and I kind of offered because I wanted to keep myself busy with something, even if it’s for a few minutes. Driving to the Sithole mansion, I think about how miserable my life is. People may have labelled me as a drunkard but they don’t know the real reason why I have become a habitual drinker.

Life is not all roses and sunshine. When I met him, I thought he was different from other men. Turns out he was really different. At first he treated me so good, like a princess. He would spoil me like crazy and give me anything I wanted. It became worse when I conceived our daughter. He would spend almost all his time with us. I was happy to have such a supportive man in my life. We were both happy, or so I thought.

When my maternity leave was about to end, I spend 3 weeks getting rid of the body fat and as a result, I got the most desired body by most females. My body became fit and firm and extremely sexy. I was used to wearing tight and short clothes. So after my baby, I continued with my dressing style but that didn’t sit well with him. At first, he would just go shopping without my knowledge and tell me to wear those clothes to work. He bought long umbrella skirts, blouses, A-line dresses, shirt dresses and all those non-tight type of clothes.

This one time, I came home from work and found all my tight and short clothes missing. I asked him where they are, and he just said he gave them up for charity. That made me so angry and it led to our first big fight which left me with one big black eye which couldn’t even be concealed by heavy make-up. The controlling just multiplied from there. He chose the friends I hung out with, places I went to, basically anything I did around my free time. Whenever he wanted to start with his bullshit, he would make sure that he ships our daughter off to his mother’s house.

Why didn’t you leave him?

That’s a million dollar question. His parents were and still are lawyers. His father is a judge in the Constitutional Court and his mother is a Master of the High Court. He has his own law firm and most of his siblings work there. Whenever I would threaten to leave him, he would always remind me that I would never see my daughter again and he would make sure of that.

One night, he forced himself on me. He raped me. For the first time. Then he went to bed and slept like a baby. I couldn’t sleep that night. I wanted to cry so badly but the tears wouldn’t come. I packed all my shit and went to Khwezi’s apartment which she said I could utilize at any moment. He called me the next evening but I didn’t answer any of his calls until Monday morning when he sent me a message which stated that I won’t be able to see my daughter for a whole month. I thought he was bluffing, until I got proved right when I went to visit her at his parents’ house. When I told the police, they just told me bullshit and practically laughed at my face.

I went back. After a month. Not for him. But for my Hlaluminathi. The abuse multiplied for a month, the rape never stopped. After three months, he toned down a bit. He was normal. I was happy that everything was back to normal. Then I found out that he was cheating on me with an intern. I didn’t say anything, even when I caught them fucking in his office. He bought many gifts just to apologize but he didn’t need to because I didn’t put his ways to heart. That angered him and that’s when he started verbally abusing me. He would degrade me and say all types of mean stuff to me.

Whenever he was away on business, I would turn to alcohol but making sure that the princess is not there. He finally decided to discard me like a used toilet paper after 3 years of being together. I was very relieved but very sad when he served me custody papers which stated that I only got to spend quality time with my daughter during school holidays and on some weekends if he permits. I agreed to those terms because I wanted to be free from him. But I could never really be free from that monster. Whenever I would get a new man or a hook up, he would always send his goons to roughen that person up or threaten him. I was free but not free at the same time.

A knock on my window startles me. I look up to see Danvers standing outside with a concerned look on his face. I didn’t even realize that I have arrived at the mansion. How long have I been here? I climb of the car and give him a small smile.

“How are you?” I ask.

“I am good. How are you doing?” I brush him off and head inside. I hate it when someone asks how I am doing because I am dead inside. I have been dead for so long and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. Even therapy would be a waste of money on my case. I find Yamihle at the lounge playing with Zethu. “Hey guys.” They turn to look at me.

“Hey Nate.” Yamihle says adorably. I smile.
“You can take her now and don’t let her guilt trip you into buying her candy on the way.” Zethu says and I laugh.
“Roger that. Let’s go princess.” I hang her bag over my shoulder and pick Yamihle up. I look at Zethu who looks a bit offish. “Are you okay?” she gives me a weak smile.

“Nothing I can’t handle. Squash is coming to fetch me soon.”
“Okay. See you.” we walk out. On the way to the car, we meet Danvers.
“Bye uncle.” Yamihle waves and Danvers wave back.
“I hope one day you can tell me about whatever that is bothering you so that we can find a solution to it.” He says looking at me with a serious look. He is being too serious for my liking and he is usually the one always shy around me.

“Sure.” I place Yamihle in Hlalumi’s car seat and then we drive off. “What do you want before we go see the twins?”
“Aa-trim.” She says and I laugh. She loves ice cream but it always go against her soft fragile teeth.
“Ice cream it is. But don’t tell on Me.” she laughs. I doubt she understands that.
My phone rings as we settle down at Angel Berry’s. It’s Lwah. I answer it.

“Please don’t tell me you guys are getting ice cream.” She says as soon as I press answer. I laugh and shake my head. “God, the little devil manipulated you, didn’t she?” I continue laughing.
“She asked nicely.”
“There is nothing such as nicely when it comes to Vuyo’s manipulative daughter.”

“I will only but her a milk shake then.” She sighs.
“That’s better. Thank you for offering to take her home.”
“I also wanted to get away from this hellhole called my life.”
“You know, one of these days, you and I are going to have the serious talk and if you don’t wanna talk to me, I will unleash Flame on you.” I laugh.

“There is no need for that. Next thing you know, she will be asking on her partner in crime Silo to assist on the interrogation.” She laughs.
“Kiss the princess for me.”
“Will do.” she hangs up. I purchase two milkshakes and then we leave.

Yamihle is such an entertainer. She is singing to every song on my Spotify playlist, not caring if she knows the song or not. She is a whole mood. When we get to the farmhouse, she quickly rushes inside with the little milkshake left. I follow behind with her bag. She screams when she sees the terrible two twins. God those are such a headache and I would wanna baby sit them plus Yamihle.

“Hello dear.” Rain says coming from the kitchen. “Are you staying for lunch?”
“Ow no. I am in a hurry. Pass my greetings to everyone.” I hand her the bag. “Bye musketeers.” They don’t even pay attention to me. I just chuckle and head out.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now