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Arriving at home, one of the helpers help me carry my grocery to the kitchen. MaKhanyi was fine with me moving sister Lwah's bar fridge to my room because I am pregnant and you never know when cravings will strike. So I go put some of my stuff in my makeshift bar fridge, including my tubs. Because I noticed Londy's car in the garage, I figure she's at home, so I ask Rain where she is, and she tells me she's at the farm. When she needs to be alone and think, she goes there. Sighing, I walk to her favourite spot and find her laying on the ground facing the sky.

“I would join you but I don’t think I will be able to stand once I sit down.” She chuckles and looks at me.
“You seem a bit annoyed or angry. What’s eating you?”
“That asshole is cheating on me.” I lean on the tree and carefully sit my ass on the grass.
“You’re dating?” she seems shocked by this.
“Mpisi is cheating on me. His daughter was more than generous to tell me about his shenanigans.”

“How is he cheating on you when you are not in a relationship?” I look at her in disbelief. “Don’t give me that look Dakota. He has been courting you for over a month now but you have been flat out ignoring him. I would take that as a hint that you don’t want me and move on with my life.”

“But I like him, so he doesn’t get to just move on with his life.”

“Then give him a chance. It’s actually pathetic to see you lonely like this. It’s also sad. Just give him one chance. You will deal with your family drama later. I mean what do you have to lose?” I sigh and close my eyes. She is right, but first I have to confront him on his cheating ways and him exposing his children to one night stands or flings. I scream and nearly jump up when I feel a kick on my belly. I hold it. Londy is next to me in seconds. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

“I think she just kicked.” I say with a smile, looking at her.

She also smiles and places her hand on my belly. That strong kick comes again and we both scream. I guess my baby is a late bloomer, because at 6 months, this is the first time she is kicking. I am also very careless. I think the last time I went to the doctor was 6 weeks ago. I also missed this month’s doctor’s appointment. Londy is the one who always encourages me to go, but this month she was at Tristin’s apartment. So that’s why she didn’t fuss about it.

“So did you talk to Tristin?” she sighs.
“Like he would go an hour having to know that I am sad or anything?” I chuckle. “He came to work and we talked things through. After that, he fucked me and then went back on set.” I scream.
“SBWL that quickie moment.” I say licking my lips.

“Who said it was a quickie?” she asks wiggling her eyebrows and I laugh. “Wena you have a hunk at your disposal. I mean friend, all that piece of meat. Yuh it could never be me.” I even choke on my laughter. “Anyways let’s go back to the house, you don’t want mom saying I am risking your life by taking you to where a snake can just come out of the blue and bite you.”

“Her drama though.” We both laugh. She helps me stand up and we walk back to the house, greeting the farm workers along the way.

“Sisi!” she shouts and I look ahead to see Sis Lwah talking to one of the farm managers. She is wearing black cargo pants with a western tan long sleeve shirt and black rubber farm boots. She is also wearing a Barmah foldaway leather suede farmer hat. She sure does look like a farmer now, a sexy one for that matter. I didn’t even know she was around. But she literally comes to check on the farm at least 4 times a week. She smiles and waves at us. She concludes the conversation and then comes to us.

“How are you guys?” we both hug her as we exchange greetings. “How is the white baby treating you?” she asks as she rubs my belly. I laugh. They always say I am black and the baby daddy is white, hence the white baby nick name.

“She is doing great. She even kicked today.”
“For the first time?” I nod. “What aren’t you feeding this child Dakota? She was supposed to start kicking weeks ago. Do you go to your checkups regularly?” I smile awkwardly and look at Londy for back up.

“Ow hell no, don’t tell me you forgot to go to your last checkup. Dee that’s being careless. You don’t want this baby to be healthy neh?” I sigh and shake my head. Sis Lwah looks at me and shakes her head.

“Tomorrow I am taking you to my gynae. I am going to be there throughout the whole appointment. You can’t afford to be careless when you’re pregnant Dakota.” I pout and look away. Her phone beeps. She takes it out and looks at it for a minute before turning back to us. “Anyways I think Rain has prepared some late lunch for us. Let’s head back to the house.” Just like that, she has changed from being Lwah the mother hen to Lwah the chilled lady. I chuckle shaking my head as we walk to the pool area where goodies are set up in a table. We settle down. Yamihle comes running from the house.

“Mama!” she shouts as she goes to Lwah’s arms. She picks her up and places her on her lap. “Hello ncane.” She says when she sees me and Londy. Her speech is increasing. She is 2 years old now.

“When is she going to start attending crèche?” Londy asks. I grab a bowl and start dishing up the fruit salad.

“Yoh I don’t know. Her father treats her like a vase that can break at any time. This one time we were arguing, he even said ‘I will stop going to work every day and stay home to take care of her’.”
“Drama.” They both laugh while I chuckle as I chew on my salad.

My phone rings waking me up from my deep slumber. I take it from underneath my pillow and answer it.
“Hey child. That’s no way to talk to your mother.” I grunt and sit up. I check the time and huff.

“For Godsake, it’s 7 am mom and I am pregnant. I am allowed to sleep as long as I want. My baby and I need some rest.” She sighs.
“And you will get that rest and so much more at the comfort of your home.”

“Ma we talked about this. As much as you and dad say you have forgiven me for having a baby outside marriage, I know you haven’t. You are very much disappointed. I love you guys, I really do but I need to surround myself with positive energy for my health and for the baby’s sake.”

“Are you telling me that you will live at the farm even after giving birth?”
“It is very peaceful on the countryside mom, but no. I am going to look for an apartment. I am old now and I need my own space.”
“You should come home so that we can have this conversation as a family.”

“I will come for dinner tonight but please know that I am really going to look for my own apartment and there is nothing you can do to stop that. I love you guys and I appreciate all the things you have done for me, but a bird has gotta leave a nest at some point and that point for me is now.”

“How is my grandchild treating you?” I smile and brush my belly. The little monster decides to greet me with a kick. I gasp and giggle. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”

“No mom. Everything is perfect. The baby was just kicking. I guess she is happy that her grandmother is asking about her.”
“It’s a girl?” I can hear excitement in her tone. I smile.
“I am hoping for one but I will find out at today’s appointment and maybe bring you a scan.”

“Please do. See you tonight. I love you Irene.” I grunt and she laughs. She knows how much I hate that name. It means peace but I just don’t like it. It sounds like an old lady’s name.

“Bye Martha.” I hang up before she can insult me. Martha is a woman my father had an affair with. It broke my mother’s heart but she healed and we are now in a place where we can joke about the affair. We always call her Martha when we wanna piss her off.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now