chapter 1 : intro

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  . I woke up to the ear-piercing sound of the alarm clock , which was displaying 6 sharp in the morning . 

- I groan , '' UGH ! Five more minutes , ''  I cried out between the pillows . '' But no , I must go to work .'' 

. I jumped out of my cosy bed and  started doing my usual morning stretching exercises . '' Here we go again . Another day , another boring adventure in the life of miss Xiao lily ,'' I sarcastically exclaimed . 

* And yes , that's me . Miss Xiao Lily Grace - Daughter of Mr Xiao Lang , CEO of ATP business and famous politician  , and Mrs Xiao Jenny . My mother is British but my father is Chinese  and they live in England . I settled down in Paris two years ago  and my house is located in the ' 2eme  Arrondissement ' , near the Eiffel Tower . This is my house : 

 I am an international famous fashion designer and I work with my father in his business as director in the financial and marketing department

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. I am an international famous fashion designer and I work with my father in his business as director in the financial and marketing department . 

* During the monarchy period , Queen Elizabeth tied nations with England  and many other countries but she requested five most powerful families in china to rule over the politics of the cloud country out of the others . Five members - The Kungs as 5th , The Changs as 4th , The Soongs as 3rd and The Chens as 1st . The 2nd family was never discovered by anyone since the day the treaty to take charge over England's politics was signed and rumours about  thirst for power and treason to the pope were spreading  around . Generations after generations , heirs after heirs , yet their identity remained anonymous to everyone , even to the other members of the cloud party . Well , that's what everyone says till now .

~ Well don't you think it's time to hurry up you dim wit ! Stop acting like a history teacher and get your lazy butt to work now ! 

. Ah yes . I forgot to mention - This is my annoying and stupid conscience voice . 

~ You're the annoying one !

~ SHUT UP !!

~ oh you're jealous .

~ of you ? sure !

. I laughed at myself  and went to the bathroom to carry out my usual morning routine .


Author' s note : 

Kindly note that this is my first time writing a book :) 

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