chapter 11 : Marriage news

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. It has already been one whole week since ,I was in New York ! I had lots of works to do and at night , I would hang out with Fay and the boys - Obviously Yuan and Yin Lin . It was awesome ! But the craziest thing was Yin Lin ' s behaviours . When we were all together , he would act cool and serious , however , when him and I happened to be alone , he would flirt or call me by cringy nicknames like princess , innocent bunny , bugaboo or even my lady . At this point , he reminds me of a cartoon character , called , Chat Noir . He is so clingy ! 

~ It is adorable as well as irritating , at the same time ! I pity his future girlfriend or spouse . 

. I giggled at this joke ! Anyways , I needed to finish packing as I am going back home today . The exhibition was over and it went insane and fantastic  , like how we expected . The amount of sales and promotion we made , had exploded the limits and which is resulting to this drastic expansion of our company . 

- " And done ! Finally ! " I cheered at the suitcases full of documents and habiliments . My flight is at noon and it was still half past ten , so I had enough time to relax a bit . I was going to have a cup of tea when my phone rang . 

- " Hello ?" I asked to the person on the other line . " Hello ! That's all ! Not even a ' hi sis , how are you doing ?' , how rude ! " 

* And yes ! This is my little sister , Xiao Stella . She is two years younger than me and is a famous writer for her age , who stays in Venice . This is the only difference between me and her - she is always living in her fantasy world full of adventures and romance and  has a bubbly personality while me there is only business in my head . That is the reason why I never ever had a boyfriend while Stella is currently in a relationship  , which has been going smooth and spiffing for seven years already. Unbelievable , right ? But I do not really mind it nor have any objections , as long as she is happy and doing what she likes . 

* Oh and I also have two elder brothers , Frederick  Walter Xiao and Arthur Walter Xiao . They are not my biological brothers ! My parents adopted them when I was five years old - Apparently , their parents left them to us for their safety , something like that . Unfortunately , Frederick was working on a mission one day and he never came back home . Whether I tried to convince my father and Arthur to tell me where he was , all they could say was that  he was still working on that mission, undercover and somewhere in England and China . 

- " Hello my beloved sister , how are you doing ?" I said while signing . " Here you go . I'm great ! I know you are coming back to Paris , so meet me tomorrow ,around eighteen sharp, at ' Le Cinq' . I have a surprise for you ! " She exclaimed excitedly . " Oh , you are making me curious ! Alright . see you there ! Bye ," I told her before hanging up . 


{ The next day , after seventeen hours of flight }

- " Home sweet home ! Hello everyone , " I declared -" Good afternoon madam ! " cried out the maids . " Hello my dear child ! " greeted aunt Susan . Aunt Susan is the oldest  in the house and my personal cook . I have known her since I was a child as she was my ' nanny ' . " I have some news for you . The house next to us was bought by a rich chinese guy , in his 20s - same like you ," she announced while winking at me . I just rolled my eyes ! I knew her and her games more than anyone . " I will be meeting Stella in a few minutes . So , I will have dinner outside ," I informed her . " Oh yes ! Young miss is here and has a surprise for you . You will be stunned ! " she said . 

~ I wonder what is it going to be now ! 

. A few minutes later , I joined Stella at the restaurant and she was already there , waiting for me . I greeted her and gave her a tight hug  , then , we got seated and ordered our food . " So what's the surprise ?" I asked excitedly . " I am getting married to Benjamin ! " she exclaimed happily , showing me her diamond ring . " Omg ! I am so happy for you . Congratulations ! " I shrieked while a little tears of joy were rolling down my cheeks , and with that I engulfed her in a massive bone-breaking hug . I have nothing to worry about on this matter as I trust her and Ben , moreover , he is a great and loyal guy , who would take care and cherish her . 


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