chapter 10 : The letter

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 - " Phew ! Finally back - I'm exhausted ! " I cried out while throwing my bags on the bed . I took a bubbly-hot bath , got into my night-wears and carried out my night time routine . I laid on my bed afterwards , still thinking about today's journey . I wanted to distract myself a bit , so I looked for my phone in my bag and saw a letter . " Hmm! Where does this come from ? " I questioned . It was a green letter with a white wax sealed and a piece of plant attached to it , all tied up using a thin-white rope . 

~ Wow ! I'm speechless - do you think it is from a secret admirer ? 

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~ Wow ! I'm speechless - do you think it is from a secret admirer ? 

~ Let's find out .

. I opened the letter to read the content and saw a beautiful calligraphy and cursive handwriting on the stained parchment , which said : 

 My Dear Princess ,

I just wanted to tell you that I have really appreciated being in your presence today . It was awesome ! By the way , you were looking very dazzling and flamboyant today and at the gathering too . I am pretty sure that the other girls were jealous of you for stealing the spotlight ! However , I also wanted to apologise again for my behaviour the other day , although you have already forgiven me . Anyways , I hope we will meet soon and get to hang out often . Even Yuan is looking forward too as he cannot stop flattering you , causing my ear to bleed ! Have a great evening ,


- Ps : There is a card in the envelope with my personal number . We can text  with each other , if that's okay with you and don't you dare leak it . 

. Out of the blue , my butterflies were swinging joyfully like a teenage girl over her crush . I looked inside the envelop for his number and there was a black card with his name and phone number written in golden ink . " Wow ! How creative and elegant  ! " I said numbly . So , this was how he trapped girls -Ha ! Not fooling for this . I might be getting butterflies or feeling excited but it was just a normal reaction .I did not fall for Yin Lin ! Never ! I will not and he was still Mr. arrogant to my eyes .

~ That's the spirit , my darling Lily ! His tricks are so not going to work on us  , right ? Wait , how did he even had the time to write this and slid it in your bag ?

~ That must be when he said that he had to 'answer ' a call - maybe ,he faked it and when I accidently left my bag , he must have seized this opportunity to put the letter in my bag . Oh , that wise fox ! Ugh !

~ True and it makes more sense , but you must admit it - This is quite sweet of him . Well , maybe , we can add him . What do you think , huh ?

~ You are not going to betray me , are you ? 

~ What ! Pff! Of course not ! 

~ Alright ! We can give it a try . One more friend won't change anything ,will it ?

~ Umm..Well...

~ You know what ! Don't even want to know .

. I added his number to my contacts and a few minutes later , I got a message from someone - Turned out , it was Mr. arrogant wishing me ' Goodnight ' with a heart emoji at the end . Wait , a heart emoji !? 

~ OMG ! No way - he sent you a heart emoji ! Is he flirting or what ?

~ I hope not !

. I texted him ' Goodnight ' back and went to sleep . But I could not ! There was like a roller-coaster in my stomach and my cheeks coloured slightly . 

> Why was he being so weird today ? Compliments ?Princess? Texting? Flirting ? Why was I acting like this ? It is not my usual reaction . Why was I get so excited like I could jump and touch the ceiling or fly along with the clouds? 

~ My dear conscious voice , say something ! 

~ I got you girl ! But from the back- eating popcorn while secretly enjoying the show ! 

. I gave up and forced myself to sleep . I just hope that he will not interfere with my dreams tonight ! Otherwise , I will not call it a dream but a nightmare.


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