chapter 18 : Stars

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- " Love ? Love love love - " I scoffed . " Someone told me this one day : ' I can say I love you in so many ways , but none is clearer than committing my days to the one who is dearest and closest to my heart , on this day I promise you that we will never part ! ' Love is finding someone whom you can call yours - someone who share the same tastes or preferences as you . Someone with whom you can share your time , secrets , pain and sorrows - A shoulder to cry on ! Someone that says ' I am here ' and proves it . There is only him or her in your eyes and no-one else matter . This is falling in love - true love , " I said casually . 

- " Wow ! That was - " ; " Deep ! I know - But love can also be a mere illusion or even a trap ! You can easily say that you have found the love of your life but when that person betrays you or slings his or her hook without uttering a single word to you - " I stopped and signed . " It is sad ! Your inner voice speaks loudly when you deny it rudely . You need to bear the emptiness of your heart - the ache . " I said at the thought of him - my dear childhood friend . I tried hard not to drag myself into a hiraeth state ! Not to cry ! I pushed my tears back and change the topic of conversation . 

- " You still did not explain why you are so nice and flirty with me - and the teasing excuse does not work ! "

- " You remind me of someone - someone dear to my heart , " was all he said .


{ Yin Lin's pov } 

.  I could not avoid thinking about Lily today - her image has been playing in my mind 24/7 hours. I wanted to see her ! To hang out with her ! 

~ Man , you're whipped ! 

~ I'm not ! 

~ Oh yes . you are !  Plus , I thought there was only that little blondie from your past in your heart- why change ? 

~ I don't even know her name ! I still looked for her for four years ! And it is from the past - Need to move on now ! It won't hurt anyone , will it ?! Moreover , Lily is different - she is beautiful , awesome , intelligent , funny and pleasant - compare to the other girls , mother had been trying to set me up with . 

. It was already night time and I could not sleep at all . I went outside on my balcony to see the one and only Xiao Lily ! I was shocked yet happy that she was my neighbour ! Her eyes closed , her head lifted up allowing the snowflakes to kiss her pink cheeks - she is just blissed out , always smiling ! I teased her like usual and we talked . 

. She asked me the reason for being irie and amusing with her - I did not even know what to tell her and the only thing I could utter was asking her , " Do you know when or what is it like to fall in love ? " . I was knocked out  by her response ! It was so deep and passionately phrased - I guess her old lover told her that ! My heart ached at the thought . 

~ Jealous are we ? Lover-boy !

~ Of course not and do not call me like that .

. However , what she declared next , left me speechless . She was indeed spatting out facts but I could see that she was heart broken - She looked sad and desperate ! Trying hard not to burst into tears . I did not know what to do or say and at the end , I chose to remain silent . I did not want her to tell me what was bothering her as it would hurt her more to let her heart out . I wanted to hug and comfort her but concrete separated us from each other . 

. She changed the topic by pleading me to tell her the reason again - She was not convinced by my answer . I only tell her that she reminds me of my little blondie from the past . She was my first love ! I should say love at first sight but she disappeared like how it started - Unexpected and all of a sudden ! I did not even have the time to ask for her name ." I have not seen her again and I assume she disappeared into thin air . Well , it is from the past now ! Everybody has things they wish not to recall , and the best thing to do is move on and accept the present . " I told her .

. " Thanks ," she exhaled quietly . " For what ? " I asked - " Nothing . " ; I did not push it further and we exchanged a sweet smile . 


{ Lily and Yin Lin 's pov }

. We stood there inaudible , gazing at the stars , wishing to twirl among them ! 


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