chapter 3 : The party

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 . The party was held at eight o'clock and it was half past seven already . I wore a long dark blue silky dress  that has a small v-cut in the front and with which I have accessorised with a silver diamond necklace , matching diamond earrings , a pearl ring , a flowery silver bracelet and a pair of silver heels . I straightened my hair and did a neutral make-up . 

~ At least you didn't make yourself look like a clown

. I am not a professional at make-up but this time I did not crash it . ''  The outcome is excellent .I indeed look like a princess tonight  , '' I exclaimed proudly !  I could not remove my gaze from the mirror .

~ Stop it before you start drooling . Well , I know we rock in this attire but don't you think it's time to go . We will miss the desserts otherwise !! 

~ Oh crap yeah . 

~ Welcome girl . 

. My father was already downstairs , waiting for me . " Sorry dad ! I took my time ."  " It's fine Lily . You look dashing tonight , '' he said while giving me a soft kiss on my forehead .   We were on our way to the party , which was a thirty minutes travel . When we arrived there , my father helped me to get out of the car , without damaging my beautiful dress , and we walked on the red carpet . 

~ I'm feeling like a movie star ! But the camera flashlights though - I can't see anything . Stand back you people !  

~ You're right for the first time . This is very irritating .  

~ HEY !!! I'm always right . You just don't listen to me . 

~ Uh-huh ! And it's a good thing that I don't . 

~ Hump ! Rude . Poor me - I'm offended boohoo . 

.'' Fortunately , we are inside . I could not stand a few more minutes with those murderers ! '' I said to myself and then a nice gentleman guided us to our respective seats . Guests started to arrive instantly and the hall was full so far  ; we were just waiting for Mr. Liang to show up with his stupid invention . Speaking of the wolf , guess who just appeared on stage few seconds ago . Yeah, him ! An average-height man who was wearing a grey Gucci suit  . 

. He started presenting his robot but I lost it after he greeted us . I was bored already and nothing interested me , except the desserts .  A whole table full of pastries and appetising food screaming for us to eat them and my mouth was getting watery . At this point , I began to feel uncomfortable and I could sense that someone's gaze was on me , however  I did not know who . Everyone' s eyes were focus towards the robot , so I slowly turned around and left but no one seemed to be looking at me . I turned to the right and this was when I saw him . My green eyes met some attractive blue ones  ! I glanced at him and he was so handsome . I could not stop looking ! Suddenly , a familiar sense of ' deja-vu ' engulfed me . I did not recognised him although I felt that I had ever met him before , but no flashbacks rushed to my mind . He was looking at me with a serious face but his eyes were easily projecting  curiosity like mine . 

.  " Who is him ? Why is he peering at me instead of the robot like does everyone else in this room ? Why am I  finding him strangely accustomed ? Why am I getting baffle ? '' all these question were bouncing in my head . I was getting off the wall !


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