chapter 17: Balcony

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. Work has upswing lately , resulting in a pile of files and documents to prepare for my dad , as well as sketches to draw for my brand's new and unfinished winter collection . We were already in December and a freezing weather has arose up! I came back home with a massive headache ,after five hours straight of work , and eased the pain with medicinal drug . I carried out my night routine and fortunately , the painkillers took effect and my headache wore off after a couple hours but I was feeling quite light-headed . 

. Being insomnolent right now was not helping me to sleep nor rest and hence I went outside ,on my balcony to get some fresh air and enjoy the peaceful night . I stargazed and suddenly , it started snowing ! I shut my eyes and let the snow-flakes fall on my cheeks while I was lost in reverie . Memories were projecting in my mind until the thought of him flashed up ! His attractive blue orbits , his smile which melts my heart , his cute yet infuriating manners and his hair which gives me the strong desire to touch them ! 

. I quickly stopped thinking about it due to the warmth felt by my cheeks despite the bloody-icy temperature. Maybe I was falling for him like Fay suggested ! He is on my mind , everyday non-stop ! Was I ? Was it love or lust ! UGH! Why it is so complicated ? 

-  " Ah ! Look who's here ! Hello beautiful ," a voice spoke , bringing me back to reality . I turned at the direction of the sound and was stunned to see who was my next-door neighbour . I could not help it but to say , " are you stalking me ? " . 

- " Oh please ! If I like a pretty girl , I would shoot my shot not stalk her like some creeps ! Plus , this has been my house for years now , " he exclaimed . " So , you did not bought it ! HEY ! You did not tell me that we are staying in Paris now ! " I said . 

-" I was going to tell you at the fashion week show, but your lunatic fan cut me off ! I just relocated here , my business too and thus , the main-house is in Paris now . It's a good thing as I love Paris ! It is my dream country and I am not under my mom's vision area anymore. By the way, you did not even drop by to welcome your prince , " he spoke with smirk . 

- " I DID ! You were at work ! I came by for like three times but you were not here , and  Yin Lin , I told you to stop with all those flirting stuffs ! What if someone mistook us as a couple , " 

- " I don't see it as a big deal ! And I told you-I can't help it ! I just love poke fun at you . " he winked . 

. I rolled my eyes at his comments and continued looking up at the moon , leaving me in a feeling of awe . Tonight was splendid ! The sky was full with shining stars and a bright moon along with a light snowfall . " Heartfelt ! " we both chorused and giggled . We stared at each other for a few minutes and I finally mastered enough courage to ask him the reason for being so nice for the past few weeks . He opened his mouth several times but shut it quickly ! He glanced at me , then back to the moon  and finally said ," Do you when or what is it like to fall in love ?  " 

. I looked at him , completely speechless while his eyes were sparkling like diamonds ! 


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