chapter 16 : Girls' night

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- " Here's the popcorn ! Have you started the movie yet ?" said Fay . " Yep ! Hurry up , " I replied . Tonight , Fay and I want to do a Harry Potter marathon . We love this movie since , we were eight years old ! " So , I have noticed that you and Yin Lin are getting close - even Yuan and Jian stated that ! So , tell me , what is going on between you two ?"

- " Nothing ! We are just two friends that hanged out - that's all ! " I explained . " I thought you loathed him , " she added . " I did yeah - but , turns out he is a nice guy after all ! "

- " Wow! Who thought one day , Miss Lily would say that Mr. arrogant is a nice guy ! After countless of complains , " she cried out . " Hey ! I did not kvetch that much about him , " I defended . " Oh really ! Few days ago , when you angrily exclaimed , and I quote , ' Oh he is so rude , mean and arrogant - he can't even apologise and dare blame me when I'm clearly the victim - I want to punch him hard in his bloody pretty face ' , huh ?" she voiced out putting her hand on her waist .

-" Ok ok ! I admit it - I did say that but he apologised and I forgave him . Since that day , he has started being quite enjoyable " I told her .

- " I can't believe you are bolstering him ! Miss Xiao Lily Grace , who had never stick up for a boy except her relatives and that little white-haired friend of yours . " - " Yes him - I know ! Let's try not to bring him up - We were two little kids and now we are not talking anymore , so - And for Yin Lin , I'm not speaking on his behalf but I'm saying facts and being vindicate . "

- " Uh-huh , right ! " she said rolling her eyes and I threw a pillow at her . " Plus , things are getting slightly strange with Yin Lin " I added . " what are you signifying ?" she asked frowning her eyebrows . " Um, actually he keeps on flirting and - ";" and you keep on turning red . You could win a competition against a tomato , " she responded .

- " How did you know ? " - " I could literally see you turning 50 shades of red ! " . " True , and every time our hands touched , I felt like there is a firework exploding inside me and my butterflies are worst - And when he kissed my cheek earlier , I cannot stop thinking about him . I consider him as my friend but sometimes , I strangely feel more than that . I think I'm loosing my mind ! What is happening to me ? " I said .

. Fay choked on her drink after hearing that ! " Girl ! He kissed you ! Whatttt ! And now you are telling me this ! " she blamed . " Be serious Fay - This very confusing ! " - " Well , you are probably falling for him ! " she suggested . " That's impossible ! I can't and I don't believe it . " I protested .

- " You cannot keep on denying your feelings ! It is what it is . " she said . " I can and I'm doing it now ! " and I added , " So, what's up with Jian ? " I said with a wink . " OH ! Don't change the topic ! " she said and I just shrugged , pretending to be disingenuous and innocent .

- " Alright ! You won ! So , Jian is a great guy and an awesome friend . We exchanged our numbers and - " ; " You guys exchanged numbers and you did not tell your lovely bestie ! Rude! " I exclaimed putting my hand on my heart . " Oh , don't be dramatic ! You and Yin Lin text each other too ! " she said lifting her eyebrows - " Yeah Yeah ! ".

^ Am I actually crushing on Yin Lin ? Why ? He is incredible , but I see him as a friend only . Plus , we have known each other for a few weeks by now -

. " You are thinking about him , aren't you ? " . I rolled my eyes and threw another pillow at her - " Hey ! What was that for ! " she said and threw it back . Eventually , we had a fun pillow fight ! "

- " The last one to arrive at the kitchen is a rotten apple ! " I said ;" Want to bet ! I will win , obviously . " - " Not on my watch ! " , and with that , I sprinted to the kitchen . " Hey ! That's cheating ! " I heard Fay from behind . The next thing we did was racing down corridors for ice-creams , laughing like two children .


Looks like Lily is having fun but she is also struggling with her feelings .

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