chapter 8 : Rings

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.  I turned around again to see him still eyeing me and I could feel my cheeks heating up all of a sudden  . He was accompanied by another six foot tall Chinese guy with golden brown hair and hazel eyes . Both wore collared shirt outfits but with different colour combinations and styles . Eventually , Mr. arrogant was giving off casual and businessman vibes and for his friend , it was more like a modern and young modelling vibes . This was Mr. arrogant' s attire :

 And this one was for his friend :

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. And this one was for his friend :

 After a few seconds , the two dream guys were walking towards us or more likely , they were going to sit next to us ! My butterflies started to swing madly in my stomach

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. After a few seconds , the two dream guys were walking towards us or more likely , they were going to sit next to us ! My butterflies started to swing madly in my stomach .

~ What a great coincidence , isn't it ?!  That's just great and he should probably sit near you , right ?! It's sarcasm by the way , if you don't get it .

~ I know and this is not my fault . Maybe , he has already forgotten about me  , right ? Plus , he is looking so good today ! You can't blame me when you were flattering him too .  

~ Hmmm....Yeah , right !! Keep believing this .

~ Hey ! You're not being helpful  .

 ~ Lily my darling , I know he is attractive like he came out of a book written by a woman but do not forget that he is still our Mr. arrogant who insulted us . So prepare your weapon my brave soldier !  Happy now ? 

. She was right ! I would not let him fool me like that and when they sat by the table next to us like I thought , I turned my attention back on my lovely friend , completely ignoring him . I could still felt that his eyes were upon me and this was making me upset and uncomfortable . It seemed that Fayra has noticed my mood change and she tried to divert my mind by sharing  some jokes and funny gossips until our food was here . 

.We ate in silence and then Fayra started hitting my feet with her heels and it did hurt ! I looked at her with a " what are you doing " face and all she did was showing me her ring finger and slowly directing her head at our neighbours . I peeped at them perplexedly and to my surprise I saw that both of them were wearing rings ! 

~ Aw , how cute ! Best-friends' rings . Hmm, wait - Are these the royal gemstones ! 

* Decades ago , after the treaty was signed by each member of the cloud party , Queen Elizabeth offered them rings and diadems as special heirlooms - not ordinary ones but with precious stones . We call them ' The Royal Gemstones '. The Chens , The Soongs and The Changs were attributed with sapphire , amethyst and pink tourmaline gemstones respectively and for the rest , that is , The Kungs and The second family were assigned with ruby and emerald gemstones . However , not everyone was aware of this - only the Queen and the members of the cloud party knew ,but I happened to know it too . Years ago ,after the treason of the last heir , it was said that the emerald ring and diadem of the second family were both lost or hidden somewhere out there and no-one knew the exact location . People tried looking for them in vain . It was an impossible task to accomplish as only the true future inheritor will return back with the golden-emerald ring and diadem which shall be wore with pride and honour the family's name again . 

. Mr arrogant bore a sapphire ring , therefore he must be a Chen and his friend bore  an amethyst ring, which eventually made him a Soong . How come I did not notice that when I met Mr arrogant ! 

~ Because you were getting lost in his eyes  , you dim wit. Be more observant next time ! Don't keep your eyes in your pocket ! So , Mr . arrogant is a Chen- one of the most powerful family of all time . Oh girl , if I was you , I would have thrown the weapons away and ran for dear life . 

. I continued to eat without saying anything . After we were done , we ordered tea and desserts , two ' Apple Souffle ' . We were talking when someone said " Hello beautiful ladies ! " - It was Mr. arrogant' s friend . " I am  Yuan Soong and this is my friend Yin Lin Chen ," he introduced  humbly  . 

- " Hello I am Xiao Lily Grace and this is Fayra Wilson ,"  I replied with politeness .  

-" No way ! You are Xiao Lily Grace and you are Fayra Wilson - am I in a dream ? Thanks bro  for bringing me here !  I'm your biggest fan - you are my favourite fashion designer . I am literally wearing your creations right now ,"  he exclaimed . He was indeed telling the truth as I could see my brand's logo on his outfit . 

~ Damn girl ! You are lucky - you got a gorgeous and rich guy as your crazy fan !  He is so sweet better than his dear friend . 


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