chapter 2 : New York

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. Today , I need to travel to New York on a business trip along with my father . There will be a massive exhibition there , where a range of companies from different countries will be advertising their products  . An opportunity we will surely not miss . 

. I got dressed into a casual black suit and started checking my files , documents and my luggage.  '' Everything seems to be perfect . Organised and classified properly . Hmm , brilliant! '' I said . 

~ Great !! Now , if you please , let's go have breakfast before I starved . 

. With that , my stomach could not help itself but to growl out of hunger . I quickly descended the stairs , greeted the maids and started digging into my finger-biting pancakes . Afterwards , I called my father and we went through some formalities and last minute scheduling . In the blink of an eye , it was already time for my flight . I hopped in my car and my driver brought me to the airport . 

{ A few minutes later } 

. '' Phewww, finally in the plane ! New York here I come '' I exhaled . 

~ OOHH !!! We are going to New York , the city that never sleeps . Lights , parties , shopping and celebrities walking in broad daylight . I'm so exciting !!!! 

~ Can't you stop behaving like a child . Shall I remind you that we have business matters to look on first . 

~ You are too boring . There's only work in your mind , that's why you are still single . I'm not talking to you due to your lack of fun . Bye , I'm going to sleep . 

.  I was knackered , so I closed my eyes and I automatically fell into a peaceful sleep till the very next day when the airhostess woke me up saying that we have already landed . After a few minutes , I got out of the airport to see a hotel car waiting for me . I am staying at Hotel The Plaza , for this one week . After everything was sorted out , I did not want to waste time and hence , I rushed to the exhibition centre and met my father . 

- '' You with boxes , put them here . Place those over there - James , do not forget to send me the price lists and sale statics by tomorrow midnight . As well as the marketing plans & improvements and the amount of goods esteemed to be sold within these few days . Send  Mr. William an email about the designs and the products ,'' I ordered . '' Lily ! '' my dad called .

- '' Yes father ,''  I replied . '' Hello sweetheart ! I got a call from Mr. Liang and our company was invited to his banquet tonight . He will launch his new product , for named , Sindy the robot . It's an important event and it will be good for the image of our company . You should accompany me tonight , I will send you the information by mail later on and be on your best , '' he explained . '' Sure ! I'll come , '' I told him . 

. Now , I must attend this party ! And me who wanted to spend the night out . 


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