chapter 9 : Attitude

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. Yuan is such a great-funny guy than I expected ! We talked and had fun together until Fayra excused herself to the toilet and Yin Lin had to answer a call .

- " I'm so sorry for my  idiot friend ! He is not usually  so silent and rude .  He is actually a very nice guy , you will  see when you get to know him like I do " Yuan said to me . I did not know what to say and thus , I just nodded .

~ Pff ! As if we want to " get to know him " !  We did not call him Mr. arrogant by mistake .

 - " Since , it is just the two of us right now - Well,  I do not want to bring this up but , Yin Lin told me about a certain little encounter  with a beautiful girl two days ago ," he teased .

~ Wait ! Did he just said that Mr. arrogant called you beautiful or am I hearing wrong ! Oh my - goodness lily ! He thinks you are dashing ! 

. I redden at the thought of him calling me pretty ! " Oh damn ! Why does Yin Lin get only the pretty girls ! How can he be so lucky ? He trapped you with his charms , hasn't he ? " Yuan exclaimed . " Hey! I did not say anything - Don't jump to conclusions directly ! " I said .

- " No need , your red face is very convincing ! " he winked and added  ," so , tell me - why him ! You can do so much better than him and there are other good looking fishes in the sea . Then why him? " he asked me in a more audible voice now . 

- " Oh shut up ! " someone said from behind . I turned around , Yin Lin was coming towards our table . " Don't you dare say anything rubbish to her , otherwise , I'll punch you in your so not good-looking face ," he said while smiling at me . 

~ HUH ! What is wrong with him today ! You sure the chef did not put the wine sauce in your dish earlier as I think we are hallucinating ! Girl , he just smiled at you !

- " Okay , anything rubbish ," Yuan said with a shrug . I laughed at his response and Yin Lin rolled his eyes . Yuan smiled at me before leaving the two of us alone . 

~ No ! Why is he leaving us alone with Mr .arrogant - and why has Fayra not returned yet ? Oh , are these two doing that on purpose or what ! 

- " It's very stunning outside , isn't it ? " Yin Lin said to break the quiet atmosphere . I nodded - " Look , I just wanted to say that I am sorry for bumping into you  and accusing you . I was in a rush ! Could you please forgive me ? " he exhaled showing me his puppy eyes . 

~AW! He is so cute ! 

- " It was your fault ! " I replied - " Partially yours too ! You were not looking where you were going  . " he responded . Then , he withdrew his hand and added, "  So , forgive me and let's start this over again ! Hi , I am Yin Lin Chen , future heir of the - " ; " Alright , I forgive you and it is not necessary to introduce you as I already know who you are . Yin Lin Chen - future heir of the Chen family and the cloud party . " I snapped quickly ! " Hold up , how do you know I was going to say ' could party ' ? " , " Because of the ring ! " I answered pointing at his sapphire ring .

. He was looking at me bewildered before saying ," Hmm! I thought no one ,except the members only , was aware of this ! " ; " Uh! I happened to know it too " I voiced out . He just gave me a nod.  The next thing we did were babbling about each other while admiring outside ! Yin Lin is quite a nice guy . 

~ Wow ! I can't believe you would say that one day .

~ Me neither !

. A few minutes later , Fayra and Yuan joined us again and we had our desserts . Till then , it was already time to go back home . We greeted each other ' Good-bye ' , when Yin Lin cried out : " Lily , wait ! You forgot your bag . Here you go ! " . He handed me my purse and our fingers touched and a tingling sensation ran through me ! This gave me a running-shiver down my spine .

~ What was that ! Had he felt the same ? Hmm... I think yes , due to his stupefied face ! Oh , coincidence ? 

~ Obviously ! Don't be silly . 

- " Well, that's very gentleman-like of you but now we really need to head back !" Fay said . "Thank you girl - I can always count on you , " I said to myself . With that , I thanked him with an embarrassed smile and went back to my car - Definitely after hugging my bestie !

. On my way back to the hotel , I could not stop thinking about him- about how enjoyable he was today ! His smile - His puppy eyes , all came flashing back to my mind and I started to get goosebumps !

. Why was I getting so excited over a guy ? Why am I feeling like this ? What is wrong with me ? Ughh!! 


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