chapter 19 : Blackmailing

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. Loud whispers coming from the library room , shook me from my sleep . I groaned out of frustration - all I wanted was to go back to dreamland ! Tip-toeing near the door to have a good glimpse of what they were saying left me bewildered - They were talking about me behind my back and I assumed it was Fay and Aunt Susan according to the voices . " Do you think Miss Lily will know ? " , " I'll make sure she won't -Otherwise , she'll explode like a bomb  ! And we have to find a solution concerning this issue as soon as possible  " . I slapped the door open loud enough to scare them ! " What are you girls hiding from me ? "

- " Lily ! Morning ! " Fay exclaimed , opening her arms  but I shot her glares . " Fay ! You have one minute " - " No , don't worry ! It's nothing ,"  she said  . " I know you are lying  and you have terrible  acting skills , " I pointed out . " Alright ! Look, I don't want you to be mad but - " " Straight to the point Fay ! " I ordered . " Well have a look yourself ," she said handing me the tablet . What was on the news left me mouth-struck !


. Mr Yin Lin Chen , future member of the legend cloud party and next heir of The Chen family has announced he has a girlfriend . The latter was going to his office earlier in the morning , when reporters caught him and revealed pictures of him accompanied by a blonde girl. He announced that she is his lover and future wife , Miss Xiao Lily Grace , daughter of Mr and Mrs Xiao - An international famous woman .

- " I am going to kill him " I exhaled . 

- " Don't exaggerate Lily ! It's not such a big deal . No need to make a fuss about it ! I presume he must have a rational explanation to this . " exclaimed Fay .  

- " Not a big deal ?! We know him for only a few months now and this is what I get - Wow , what a friend ! He is tugging me into something I did not ask for and if my parents find out , I'll be in huge trouble ! " I signed . " Plus , look at the comments - people are spreading fake rumours on me ! This is clearly damaging my reputation and what about my brand , huh ! My businesses ! " 

- " You are a public figure after all , that's why your every move will always be criticized by others   . " Fay told . " Look , sitting here and arguing on this matter won't change anything . Go meet up with him and demand for a respond . See , if you can re-arrange and solve this issue ! " 

- " Your are right ! I'll head to his office after eating . " I said . 

-" And change your clothes - you can't possibly go out there , in the cold ,wearing pink pyjamas short and hoodie . Do not forget to bring a mask and a hat with you - a ' camouflage ' for the paparazzi . " 

- " Yeah yeah right ! " I said rushing to my room . 


{ Few minutes later }

. The entrance was blocked by a bunch of journalists , who were trying to penetrate the massive building but they were stopped by security guards . 

- " How am I supposed to dodge them without being recognised now ? Oh I think I should - "

~ Thinking what I am thinking !

~ Yes madam ! 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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