chapter 5 : Him and I

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. I stood there with my arms crossed , shooting daggers at him while waiting for an apology . I showed him that I am not going anywhere until he admits that he was wrong .

~ Yeah , that's my girl ! As if ,we will let him go -haha no way !

- " You know what ! You have already wasted my time and I do not want to argue with you - so move , " he said in annoyance . But , I did not move an inch and I could see his jaw muscles and knuckles clenched .

~ Hehe, I can smell victory !

. Then , he pushed me aside and carried on his way , just ignoring me like he could not see me . This was unbelievable ! How can he treat me like this !

~ Exactly ! what a pity - such a pretty boy but with an ugly heart .

. He kept moving on without even giving a second glance at me . I stomped my feet at his arrogance and rudeness , while all he did was displaying a smirk on his bloody lips . " Oh , how I wish I can wipe that devilish smirk from his face . UGH ! He is so insolent and arrogant - Mr . arrogant ! " I groaned fuming in anger .

. I hope that this was our first and last meet , and we never meet again . I wish I stay away from Mr. arrogant guy . After all these complains , I walked towards the desserts table and grabbed some chocolate fondants , mini coconut swiss rolls and macarons . I love macarons ! So , I picked as much as I could gulp down .

~ Yummy ! These are mouth-watering - so delicious that I can eat the whole buffet .

~ I know right !

. After all , dessert is the solution to mood swings ! I will not let anyone ruin my night now .


{ Yin Lin Chen's pov }

. Earlier in the morning , I got a call from my mother telling me or most likely ordering me to attend Mr . Liang 's gathering . Great ! I have a mountain of work on my shoulders and the exhibition is adding extra weight , so now I have to go to this party which I was surely not looking forward to .

* Well , let me introduced myself first - I am Yin Li Chen , future heir of the Chen's family and future member of the cloud party . My father is Huang Chen , world famous politician and my mother is Zhao Chen , an internationally well known CEO .

. I was wearing a blue tux with a crisp white shirt beneath for the party - All Prada , my favourite brand of clothes . It looks like this :

 A few minutes later , I arrived at the party

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. A few minutes later , I arrived at the party . Celebrities , famous entrepreneurs , paparazzi and journalists were all present and creating a hustle and bustle atmosphere . " Let's get this over with quickly ," I said to myself . Once indoors , I got myself seated and was patiently waiting for Mr. Liang's entrance . Fortunately , he appeared on stage seconds after and he was delivering his speech and presenting his robot .

. His new product was quite fascinating but I was still bored to tears ! I glimpsed at my surroundings and suddenly my eyes laid on her - She is so beautiful , better than the other girls I have ever met and yet she seemed strangely familiar . At that moment , realisation hit me hard and I was stunned . " That's impossible ! That person cannot be her - It had been ages since , I looked for her and she had disappeared . No traces of her was left behind - nothing ! No no no , she cannot be that girl who - No no no ! I don't believe it , " I whispered quietly . I tried to deny those thoughts as I must be making a mistake , however , she looks just like her .

. Her side profile , her long blonde hairs and when we made eye contact ,her eyes colour are the same too - light green eyes . She was staring at me with the same impressions that I was displaying - curiosity and familiarity . My heart felt like a heavy lump which was about to explode ! Who is she ? Can she be that girl ? Are they related due to their resemblances ?


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