chapter 13 : Scent of love

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- " Hello princess ! " he whispered near my ears with a husky voice , that eventually gave me butterflies .  I knew who this was - Yin Lin ! I turned around facing him and got rid of myself from his grip . " How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ' princess' , " I said while shooting daggers at him . He just shrugged and started checking me out , from up to down -" What ? " I asked  ,  he just smirked and said ," You know what ! " . I just rolled my eyes - " You uh look um very beautiful tonight ," he told me while scratching the back of his neck and staring at the floor . At this moment , he stimulated a cute little child - That was so adorable !

~ Wow ! What a quick change of character ! Flirty to cute .

- I giggled a little and replied , " Thanks ! So do you ! " .

-" By the way , it's not like I'm concerned or whatsoever , but what are you doing here in Paris ?"

- " To admire your work and I dare say that your designs are sensational ! Seriously - ' Chapeau '."

. I smiled at him ! " Plus I'm actually -" he added but got erupted by none than the only , Yuan Soong , who screamed my name like a lunatic . " LILYYYY ! " he yelled before jumping on me for a hug . " Hi ! " I said and Yin Lin burst out laughing - " Don't try to kill her ," he apprised Yuan , whom ignored his comment . 

- " Hello , you must be miss Xiao ! " a black haired man in his early 20s said , standing behind Yin Lin . " Oh Lily , this is Jian Fai Kung ," Yuan introduced . He was so good looking ! Black hair , brown eyes , tall guy and Chinese-like .

- " Pleasure to make your acquaintance  and please call me Lily ! " I declared , while withdrawing my hand . To my surprise , he just took it and kissed the palm of my hand . 

~ Aww , what a gentleman !

. '' Mais quel fayot ! " I heard Yuan complained and I tried hard not laugh . Instantaneously , I saw the bloody ruby ring glimmering between his fingers - The 5th heir ! Found you ! 

~ What's up with you girl ! All the members of the cloud party are attracted to you - Are you a magnet ? 

~ Hehe ! No , it is because I rock ! 

. All four of us were talking when someone yelled my name - It was Fay , who was coming towards us . 

~ AGAIN! What is it up to people today ! Hundred percent sure , your friends are trying to embarrass you.

- " Bae , how was I ?! " ; " Awesome like every time ! " I high-five her . " Oh hey guys ! " exclaimed Fay but froze when she saw Jian , and they were both staring at each other with sparkling eyes ! " Fay , this is Jian Fai Kung ! " I stated and Jian took her hand , kissing her palm . " Hello pretty girl , nice to meet you !" he uttered .

~ She did not even drew it out - Ohhh ! Thinking what I'm thinking .

~ Shall I remind you that you are my conscious voice , so obviously I-

~ Hey ! It's not the time for sarcasm or whatever it is - Drama is starting , so let me enjoy!

. Jian did not let go her hand and they were both gawking at each other . Yuan and Yin Lin were smirking and I giggled at their cuteness ! I slowly nudged Fay in her elbow and she came to reality - " H-h-hello , it's a great pleasure to meet you too ," she said stumbling on her words and she went scarlet directly .

~ Love is in the air !  This too endearing to handle !


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