chapter 4 : Mr arrogant

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. He was a about six foot tall with electric blue eyes and height that was making me feel like a little child  , perfectly sculpted jaw and his pale face has the appearance of being made out of porcelain . His pink cheeks and rose lips made him look cute and not to forget his dark brown soft and silky hair with some curls . He was wearing a blue tux with white crisp shirt beneath . He was so handsome, totally drool worthy guy . 

~ OMG !! How can he come off as naturally striking .

. I gulped ! After staring at him like some obsessed girl , I came back to my senses and was the first to break eye contact . Seemed like I had won this encounter - I tried to concentrate on the robot until I forgot about him . 

. " Finally done ! Perhaps , I would have fallen asleep if not , " I murmured to my father and he shook his head . " Honey , suit yourself at the buffet . I have to talk to Mr. Liang  ," he told me -" sure !  " I answered quickly  and without wasting any more seconds , as my patience had reached its limit ,  I slipped between the people and was heading towards the desserts . When , out of the blue , a guy from nowhere bumped into me . I lost my balance and was about to fall but muscular hands grabbed me by my waist to support me . At that moment , I opened my eyes and froze on the spot . Similar blue eyes came into my views and with our faces few inches away , we stood there motionless while eyeballing at each other . 

~ WOW !!! He indeed is a beautiful creature . Is it me or does he look much more better now ? 

. At that moment , I realised his hands were still on my waist . Hence , I freed myself from his grip and flushed at the thought of being in his arms . I stand up, trying to keep a good posture in order not to be considered as allude nor to make a fool out of myself . I heard him muttered something under his breath but I did not get it . '' Excuse me ? '' I asked politely , " You better be ! You clearly bumped into me , " he spat out  . 

''Huh? '' was all I could said , " I said you better be apologising . It was clearly your fault ! Look where you are going or is ogling and drooling over boys only what you do '' he smirked , looking at me or more like judging me . 

~ In fact you are the first guy boy . Consider yourself as lucky ! He's full of himself- Oh Lily ,my solider , tell him that he can't insult you like that and he should be the one apologising at first . Put him in his place . 

. With that I huffed at him , '' Who do you think you are , talking to me like that  ! " . How could he be so rude . Was he for real ? 

~ Yup , cute mean person .

~ Yeah , I know ,but-

~ Hey you ! Don't you dare flatter him .

~ Oh! Cute arrogant mean person whom I cannot flatter .


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