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"Hey man." I grinned at Dave, bumping his fist as I felt the sand beneath my feet.

Everyone was heading towards the lake today, and I felt positively surprised to see the inviting water and the makeshift beach. I hadn't expected much from it, since it was my first time coming here. It was a Sunday and the weather was insane again. The sun was shining brightly, the temperatures had quickly climbed up into the thirties and the air felt hot and suffocating. It was a perfect day for this. After all sleeping off our hangovers yesterday, we were fresh and awake for a day by the beach.

I went around the circle to greet everyone, shooting a wave to Liam and Zayn who were in the water already. Katie got up to her feet when she saw me, pulling me in for a hug which I had learned was her standard way of greeting someone.

"Hi." She smiled widely, and I returned it, "Hey. You're chipper today."

"Mhm," She shrugged, "Always when the weather's like this, especially on a Sunday. I woke up in a great mood!"

I chuckled at her explanation, "I'm glad." My eyes looked around the group of people and I cleared my throat as I unfolded my towel, "Is Penelope not here?"

Katie's eyes on me felt heavy, and I avoided her gaze at all costs. "No." She eventually spoke, "She's still crazy tired, she might show up later. She was still asleep when we left about an hour ago."

I nodded, trying to look and sound breezy. I know I had no right to ask about her, I could see it in her face on Friday that it had hurt her that I was making out with someone else and looking her straight in the eye while doing so. But I was pissed, frustrated and annoyed with her, and I wanted to get payback.

It was childish, stupid, and I regretted it immediately. She had left soon after and I didn't have the heart to text or call her yesterday. I didn't know what to say. I was confused, to say the least. There was definitely part of me that liked her, and just now by asking Katie if she was here, I could tell that I craved her company.

She was fun, she made me smile. She laughed at my jokes and went along with whatever stupid sarcastic humour I had. It's like she just got me. And I felt like I got her. The confusing part was that I wanted to fuck her brains out at the same time and that she was as unavailable as anyone could get. The other confusing part was the constant flirting and her allowing me to kiss her neck and touch her ass.

What wasn't confusing, was that I had royally screwed up by making that virginity-comment. She had a look of disgust and embarrassment on her face and I hated it. She asked me if it was a bet, which could only make me think that she'd had bad experiences in the past when people figured out about her virginity.

It was nearing eleven in the morning once I sat down on my towel in the sand in a shaded spot between Louis and Dave. I grabbed the neckline of my shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me shirtless and just in my yellow swimming trunks.

"Here." Louis nudged my arm and handed me an ice cold can of beer, along with a cigarette, "Tradition for the lake." He smirked and I rolled my eyes with a grin, knowing that these guys didn't pass up any opportunity to smoke and drink, no matter what day or occasion it was.

My eyes were on Liam and Niall in the water, who were sitting in the shallow end and drinking a beer as well while seemingly in a deep conversation.

"So how was your hangover yesterday?" Dave asked, turning his body around to face me. My eyes widened when I saw the bruise on his chest, "Holy shit, what happened to you?!"

He flicked his eyes down, "Oh," he chuckled, "Yeah, that's Penny's punishment for telling you she's a virgin." He pointed to his blue and black nipple, which had clearly been twisted. I raised my brows, "Really? She did that?"

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