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I was woken up by Harry's lips peppering kisses down my jaw. I blinked my eyes open slowly to see him standing over me next to the bed, fully dressed and ready to head out.

I frowned immediately, "What time is it?" My voice was raspy and tired this early in the day.

"Shh," He coaxed me, "It's fine, little past eight. Have to get to work, baby. I set your alarm for eight thirty so you have time to shower and get ready."

I let out a breath as I rolled over in his bed so I could face him clearly, "Why didn't you wake me when you got up?"

Harry chuckled, "You looked too peaceful. Really have to go now... Make yourself at home, just close the door behind you when you leave, yeah? There's coffee in the kitchen, I'll see you tonight." He softly spoke, leaning down once more to press a kiss to my lips before he walked out.

I was barely awake enough to register that the front door closed and I was alone in the silent apartment. Apparently Mitch and Sarah had spent the night at her place. I rolled around the bed a little more, enjoying all of the space and the scent of the fresh sheets Harry must've still put on last night.

I didn't remember him doing that. My arms and legs stretched under the soft duvet and I found myself half naked again, just wearing a pair of Harry's boxers. I grunted as I laid on my stomach lazily, puffing out some air to blow away a strand of hair that obstructed my vision. He had opened the curtains just a little to let some natural light in, although it seemed a rather gloomy day.

My arm reached for my phone that was on the bedside table, and I squinted my eyes at the brightness of my screen, immediately turning off the alarm that Harry had set for about ten minutes later. I was awake enough now.

I only now realized how thoughtful Harry had been this entire morning. He had set my alarm, made me coffee and let me sleep as he silently slipped out of bed. I hadn't even heard his alarm going off, to be honest. He was such a sweetheart. And I felt like a complete bitch now for not thanking him before he left.

Message to: Model Man

Awake enough now to thank you for setting my alarm and making me coffee!! See you tonight, xx

I smiled to my phone when he immediately texted me back, and I checked my clock to see that his class started in a couple of minutes.

Message from: Model Man

No problem! I'll call you during lunch.  Have a good day x

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, feeling how tight my muscles in my thighs were and I knew exactly why. Harry had left me dangling on that edge for a good hour last night and it had very much worn out my muscles. I wasn't sore or anything, but just felt like I had climbed a mountain the day before.

I padded my way over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a quick shower, even though we took a bath the night before. I think. Honestly, it was all a big blur to me. I just remembered seeing Harry, like he was all I could see. I didn't even remember walking around or talking much, I was just... staring at him.

He had looked angelic with the white bathroom lights shining on him, accentuating the immaculate bone structure in his face as I couldn't help but admire him. It had all felt very floaty when I was incredibly aware of his presence, and only his presence.

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