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"Those are... interesting ornaments." I spoke as I stared at the Kamasutra ornaments in Dave's Christmas tree. He stood next to me with a beer, pointing at one, "You've ever done that one?"

I tilted my head to the side as I inspected it, seeing the guy stand up straight while the other guy – these were gay ornaments for the most part – was in his arms and up against the wall. The standing guy had his hands flat against the wall and the other guy's legs over the bend of his elbows to keep him up.

I smirked and slowly nodded, "Mhm. Not with a guy though, can only really do that with people who are quite small and bendy. And it gets tiring real quick, feels like your arms are about to snap."

Dave hummed as he critically stared at the ornament, as if we were art critics and inspecting some new artist at the museum.

It was Saturday evening and Dave had invited all of us over to watch the game and go out. It had been a while since we had gone full on dancing together, so I couldn't say no. I actually looked quite forward to it. What I didn't look forward to, was spending time with Penelope in the same room without the ability to have my way with her.

I did have my way with her that same morning. On the kitchen counter.

She just looked so irresistible in the mornings. So soft and sleepy, her hair a mess and no make-up on. She usually wore a shirt of mine that easily showed off her nipples and exposed half her ass. How could she expect me to stay away from that?

I couldn't even be bothered to drag her into the bedroom. Somehow, the idea that Mitch and Sarah could walk in on us made it more thrilling. Her sweet, soft moans were music to my ears when I had my tongue buried inside of her. I was going to let her cum at first, I really was. But then I got so fucking hard while eating her out that I had to be inside of her.

So we fucked.

On the counter.

And it was fucking hot.

She had then called me this afternoon, letting me know that Dave was going to be present for our Christmas festivities in Brighton. My stomach had knotted at her words because I felt like she was about to uninvite me. To keep the secret going.

But we had talked and honestly, we were both more or less fine with it. It was going to be scary and a big change, but maybe that's what we were ready for. Our feelings for one another were strong and solid, and we weren't just that fragile duo who hooked up and never talked about anything.

We went on dates, we knew each other. It was good.

My eyes darted over to her when she walked down the stairs. She shot me a brief smile from across the room but my eyes weren't on her face, but glued to her ass. She looked immaculate in those jeans. Fuck me.

Why was I always so much hornier around her when I knew we weren't allowed to do anything? She saw my look and shot me a warning one back, which earned her a small smirk and a wink.

"You're drooling."

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the voice next to me, and I turned my head to see Louis. I rolled my eyes immediately. This guy had been making our lives a living hell ever since finding out about us. He had his fun with it, teasing Penelope and I to a fucking murderously annoying extent. He also continuously flirted with her right in front of my face.

It made her a little uncomfortable as she constantly pushed him off and blushed at his inappropriate remarks. But it didn't really bother her since she knew he didn't mean any of it. He was just trying to get a rise out of me and it worked. Now that I knew what jealousy felt like, it was all I could feel when other men so much as breathed the same air as Penelope.

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