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Harry and I sat in silence at the breakfast table. I fidgeted on my seat a little, smiling at Anne as she poured me more coffee.

Gemma was sat across from me with her head in her hands, nothing on her plate besides an aspirin. Michal watched her in amusement, making fun of her massive hangover.

Snow was falling outside and Anne had put on some Christmas tunes for the official Christmas eve day. Harry shot me a short look and I gave him a faint nod, which prompted him to clear his throat, "Mum, you're going to have to clean the hot tub water."

I stifled my smile as I looked at my cup of coffee in my hands, but I could almost feel Michal grinning from across the table. After Harry had an unfortunate accident in the hot tub last night, we quickly got out and he carried me back inside. Michal was still up, on his phone on the couch while Anne and Gemma were in bed.

Harry had asked him in a panic what he would do in his situation, when he just had an orgasm in the hot tub. Michal had sent me a judging look and I quickly held my hands up, "Trust me, I didn't even do anything."

Harry had glared at me for that but it prompted Michal to burst out into a laugh. Harry was right though, he was a super chill guy. He had scratched the back of his neck in thought and then came up with a solution, which Harry was going to put to use right now.

"The hot tub? Why?" Anne frowned, "What happened last night?"

Harry took a breath, "Gemma peed in it."

I bit my lip to stifle my giggle while Gemma shot her head up, "What?!"

Anne shot her a confused look, "You peed in my hot tub? Gemma..."

"No, I didn't!" She defended, face pale from the hangover and her eyes less than amused by Harry's accusation. He simply shrugged his shoulders, "Yes, you did. You were super drunk, I'm not surprised you don't remember."

Hesitance flashed through Gemma's face as she pressed her lips together, and Michal had been right when he said that Gemma would be too drunk to remember anything. Harry shot her a triumphant look, "See?"

"I'd never fucking pee in a hot tub, Harry!" She barked back and he raised his brows, "I mean, we all saw it. Right, guys?"

Michal hummed and nodded and Harry's foot found my shin beneath the table, giving me a swift kick. I jumped up a little and cleared my throat, "Yeah." I agreed with him. I felt kind of bad, but Harry assured me that him and Gemma used to blame each other for stuff like this all the time when they were younger.

And, I mean... It was Michal's idea. Gemma looked mortified at the information, her cheeks suddenly red instead of white as she groaned, "Shit, mum, I'm sorry... I'll pay for the cleaning."

Anne waved it away, "No need. But watch your alcohol intake, young lady. You should take Harry as an example," she nudged her head towards Harry who had an arrogant smirk on his lips, "Yeah, Gem, take me as an example."

"Ass." She muttered under her breath before rolling her eyes while Harry looked smug with himself that the plan had worked. He was very adamant on his mum not finding out he had an orgasm in the hot tub, but he also didn't just want to leave it like that.

Sperm couldn't survive in temperatures like that, but still, the idea was... gross. He in no way wanted anyone else to sit in that very water, ever.

The scenery in Holmes Chapel was very beautiful on Christmas eve day, and the white tapestry of snow that covered everything outside made me feel like I was in a movie. While Harry was showering, I had a brief call with my gynaecologist to schedule an appointment for my IUD, as well as a call with Dave who was about to start his drive down to Brighton.

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