25. (*)

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"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you so quiet?" Harry asked between breaths as we were jogging on Monday morning.

The weather was cloudy, making us nearly the only people in Battersea Park at this hour of the day. It was a little over seven in the morning, and we had been running for about ten minutes when Harry caught on that I was more silent than usual.

I flicked my head to the side to see him frowning at me, and I sighed, "Little nervous about my meeting with Amanda."

Harry took hold of my arm, forcing me to slow down. I caught my breath as we came to a full stop, both of us panting from the short but intense run we had done so far. He wore a headband today to keep the curls away from his forehead, along with a maroon coloured hoodie and the same black shorts. By now, he wore leggings underneath to keep the other half of his legs warm now that the temperatures had dropped more.

"Really? It'll be okay, you know that right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. Still, never imagined myself in this position."

"Do you just want to skip the run and get some coffee?"

I tilted my head to the side with a small smirk, "Sore already?"

He rolled his eyes and I let out a laugh, "Coffee is fine by me," I shrugged, "I've got time. Took the morning off."

Harry seemed surprised, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, it just hasn't come up yet, wasn't trying to hide it."

"They just let you take the morning off?"

"Mhm," I nodded, "I'll probably stay late tonight and tomorrow night to make up for it. But the meeting with Amanda is at eleven so it seemed too stupid to head down to work for two hours and then leave again."

We slowly started walking back to the entry gate of the park, a small drizzle falling from the sky by now. Harry and I quickened our pace, and I hugged my arms around me to keep a little warmer as we made our way out of the park.

I could hear thunderstorms in the distance, and soon, it was full on raining.

"Shit." Harry muttered, "Looks like we'll have to run after all."

I chuckled at his words as we started jogging out of the park, getting soaked immediately. I was shivering and rain was dripping down my face before we even got to the gate, and Harry pointed to the direction of the cars. He silently motioned for me to follow him, which I did.

The rain was so heavy that I could hardly see through it, and so loud that I couldn't even hear Harry when he spoke. It was just a short, heavy downpour and we happened to just get caught in it.

"Harry!" I squealed in a laugh as we ran through the streets towards where we had both parked our cars. His was first, and he opened the door for me to jump into the passenger seat as he jogged around and hopped in the driver's seat.

The rain was clattering heavily on the roof of his car as we caught our breaths and I wiped the water off of my face with a groan, "Do you remember when you said there was no bad side to Autumn?"

"Yeah and I take everything back, fucking hell." Harry muttered as he shook his hair out like a dog, wetting me even more.

"Okay," I sighed, "So no run, and no coffee in these soaked clothes. What's the plan?"

"The plan," Harry mumbled as I felt his hand on my cheek to turn my head towards him, "Is to kiss you."

My eyes widened for a split second before he pressed his wet lips on mine, and I smiled in the kiss. We pulled back after a second and I hummed in approval, "That's a plan I can get on board with."

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