56. (*)

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Penelope was fucking drunk.

We had arrived at Pixies about an hour ago and she was constantly ridiculously dancing with Katie. It was quite funny to see her let go like that, and I knew a lot of that had to do with the fact that Patrick was about to go behind bars and she didn't have to fear him anymore.

I tried to subtly keep an eye on her though throughout the night. I had been having a few drinks myself but not nearly enough to be as hammered as she was. She was constantly swaying on her legs, doubling over in laughter with Katie and dancing rather provocatively.

I had seen many guys stare at her ass during the course of the night and Louis had been making fun of my aggression the entire time. I was holding the drink in my hand rather tightly.

Penelope had childishly been ignoring me the entire night after sending me the text about the sex ban. I knew she'd never go through with it, she did love sex way too much to refrain from it. I also knew she was still constantly trying to seduce me and damn it, it was working.

I had been hard in my pants for hours. It hurt.

Every time she walked by me, she brushed her hand against my crotch. Every time we danced together, she purposely stood a little too close to me to push her ass back and grind into me.

She had sent equally jealous glares at each person who had been trying to make a move on me though. We were a pair honestly, the two of us. Both jealous cunts.

I had a clenched jaw when I saw a guy talking to her. She looked rather uninterested, struggling to get the straw of her drink between her lips as she shot him a dazed look and nodded to whatever he was saying. She backed away a little when he was about to slide an arm around her and then said something in his ear.

The guy held his hands up and walked away immediately as she rolled her eyes and went back to dancing with Katie. She was equally as piss drunk as Penelope was, but then again so was Liam. Honestly, everyone was pretty drunk tonight. I wasn't sure what it was about this night that everyone clearly needed quite badly, but there weren't really a lot of inhibitions.

"Harry!" Niall slurred my name as he approached me with drinks, "Submarine for you!"

I chuckled at the drink, seeing him hold a glass of beer and a shot of tequila, motioning it to me, "Go on!"

I took a sip of the beer so the glass wasn't full anymore, and then dumped the glass with tequila in it so it submerged and the two drinks mixed in the glass, "Thanks mate."

He sipped on his Guinness, half of it spilling down the sides of his mouth as he flung an arm around me. His breath reeked of alcohol as he clung to me, "Y'know... Mate... 'm really glad I met ya."

I patted his shoulder as I let out a short laugh, "Glad I met you too, Niall."

"I love you, bro."

I stifled another laugh as I nodded and kept a serious face, cupping his cheek, "I love you too."

I laughed against his mouth when he pressed a drunk kiss to my lips and then stumbled off to give Dave the same treatment. My phone buzzed after just a minute.

Message from: Cinnamon

Sex bzn making you d'esperate already? Hve to get yourr kisses somewhere else???

Her drunk texting made me frown a little as I deciphered it, and my eyes darted over the room until they locked with hers.

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