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"Oh my fucking God." I muttered under my breath as I doubled over on the couch, the blanket tightly wrapped around me as I let out a pained groan and clutched my uterus.

I puffed out breaths of air, pretending I was in labour as if it was going to help with the terrible period cramps I was experiencing.

I hadn't had a harsh period like this in years, and I had put in the last tampon of this house about an hour ago. I was sure me reacting this badly to my period had everything to do with my mental state at the moment. Katie was a firm believer in energy and vibes and she had explained it to me that it was a physical reaction to whatever was going on inside my brain.

Breaking up with Patrick had been taking a subtle toll on me, without even realizing it myself. It's like this was my body's way of expressing all of the hurt. It felt like punishment for sure.

I grabbed my phone again, checking to see if either Katie or Dave had read my messages or gotten my calls, but none of them had answered me since I begged them to go to the store a few hours ago. My vision was slightly blurred and double from how much my head was pounding. I hadn't felt this physically ill in a long time.

My fluffy socks made contact with the hardwood floors of the living room as I sat back down in a normal position, biting down on my lip when pain soared through my ovaries at every little movement I made.

I had tried focussing on the Lion King, but I couldn't even mutter along the words to the songs as I laid crying out on this sectional in our house that I was alone in right now.

It was a Monday afternoon, and even though Dave supposedly got off work about thirty minutes ago, he was nowhere in sight and apparently wouldn't be here anytime soon. He had made plans with Harry to work on some school project together at Steve's, so that's where they'd be all afternoon and evening. I assumed there would be a lot of beer-drinking and not so much working.

Katie had been teaching yoga all morning and was now out on her date with Liam, somewhere far away from Dave on the other side of London. The last thing I wanted to do was bother her, but I was in no fit state to drive to the store myself.

Periods came with heavy migraines for me, and my vision was nearly doubled by now as my head pounded and I felt stabbing pains in my stomach. My heating pillow had gone cold about ten minutes ago, and I had searched this house high and low for painkillers, but with the amount of hangovers we experienced here, we went through them like candy.

"Fucking finally." I whimpered under my breath when the doorbell rang and I assumed Dave had forgotten his key once again. I slumped to the front door with much effort, holding the blanket around me. My breath hitched in my throat when Harry was on my doorstep, holding his jacket over his head to shield himself from the rain as he stood hunched in the frame.

"Harry?" I frowned, shuffling on my feet as I wore leggings and one of Dave's hoodies, along with the blanket draped around my shoulders. My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head and in conclusion, I didn't look like I was ready to have people over.

How nice the weather had been yesterday when we were all at the lake, how horrible it was today. It had been so hot and humid that it had completely turned around and we had been stuck in a thunderstorm since last night. It hadn't stopped raining ever since. The temperatures were still tropical, but I had been shivering all day and decided to dress nice and warm for a day on the couch in misery.

Harry nudged me backwards so he could get inside, and out of the rainfall. I closed the door behind him as he shrugged his soaked coat off and hung it up on the coatrack, "Hey," He breathed, "Sorry for barging in. Is Dave here?"

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