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TW: panic attacks


"Felix? Have you gotten on a call with Deborah yet?" I asked with a frown on my face as I tried to figure out Carlo's schedule for the week.

I palmed my forehead as I cursed under my breath, "Jesus Christ, this is a mess..."

Felix frantically searched around the folders on his desk, a bead of sweat running down his temple before he used his pointer finger to loosen the tie around his neck, "Yeah, I took notes, I'm... shit, it's here somewhere." He muttered.

I sighed when the phone rang, blindly reaching for it, "Penny for Carlo." I greeted in a grumble, knowing it was someone from the own company. We had separate ringtones if it were calls from inside the building so we didn't have to answer so formally.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose when I heard someone from marketing on the line, complaining about something. I tried to get a word in but decided to just let them rant, before I drew a breath, "Hate to break it to you but Carlo really can't come to the phone today. Put it in e-mail maybe? I'll forward it to him with urgency but he's got a super shitty day and he's just going to yell at the both of us if I speak to him about this now."

I was met with little understanding and rolled my eyes, "Sorry, I honestly can't help it. I'll try if you want me to, but prepare for the worst."

I then slammed the phone shut and decided to bother Carlo at own risk. Felix looked with wide eyes as I hesitantly approached the glass doors where he was behind. My knocks didn't alert him and he stayed with his face buried in his hands until I opened the door on a crack. I could tell the whole floor was holding their breath to see if he'd explode on me or not.

"What." He snapped sharply and I forced a small smile, "Sorry to bother you. Mindy from marketing called in regards to that Stevenson-dress and she wanted me to tell you that Bryan from legal is very angry."

Carlo's head shot up and he glared at me, "Mindy?"

I slowly nodded, "Mindy."

He angrily snatched his phone and glanced at the list of phone numbers on the list, dragging his finger over it until he harshly pressed his fingers on the buttons of the phone, dialling a number.

"Hi, is this Mindy?!" He sneered before there was a brief second of silence, "You're fucking fired."

He slammed the phone down again and my eyes widened. He looked at me again, a look of pure annoyance in his face, "Anything else?"

I pressed my lips together and shook my head, "Nope." I quickly walked out, seeing Felix' shocked look, "Did he... just fire her?" He whispered in a yell and I nodded, hurrying over to my own desk, "I'm not going in there again today. It's your turn next." I sighed. Felix and I had the rule to alternate who had to bother Carlo. This had been enough for me today.

It was nearing the end of November and Carlo had been scolded by Vivienne Westwood herself. Apparently his job was on the line for something I didn't really understand. But he was in a shittier mood than usual and Felix and I were getting most of the burns from it. I knew it wasn't personal, Carlo was actually quite fond of the both of us, but it was hard to remember that when he was yelling in our faces.

At least he hadn't fired us, unlike Mindy. It had been long days in the office because nothing was ever good enough for him, and I hadn't been spending as much time with Harry as I wanted to.

It actually turned out that I spent most nights at his place now. In weekends I usually stayed home still to not raise suspicion with Dave. I had cancelled on some parties and get togethers to catch up on sleep because between my heavy job, my quality time with my friends and my dating life and sex-life with Harry, sleep had turned into an illusion.

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