34. (*)

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"Clothes.... Off..." Harry muttered in between kisses as I was pressed up against the door of our hotel room. We weren't even inside yet, and Harry had spun me around while I was fumbling with the key card.

The hallway was deserted, but I knew there were camera's here and the security guy was probably having a field day watching me and Harry make out against our door as we tore at each other's clothes.

I gasped back for air, "Inside..." I managed to speak and Harry growled impatiently, his hands on my ass as he harshly nipped on my neck and littered my skin in love bites. I had to push against his chest to allow myself room to turn around and unlock our door, and Harry protested at the increased space as I pushed the handle down and we stumbled inside.

It closed with a loud bang, and Harry finally had absolutely no inhibitions left. His large hands immediately rid up the fabric of my dress as he tugged on my underwear, dragging it down my thighs until it fell around my ankles and I stepped out of my knickers, accidentally hooking it around the heel of my shoe.

Harry's hands were on my naked ass now, frantically feeling every inch of skin he could touch as we kissed until we both got dizzy. His hands dropped down to my thighs, and I got the hint as he applied pressure to carry me up. I jumped a little, locking my legs around his waist as he blindly carried me to the bed.

I chuckled when I noticed the thong hanging off of the heel of my left shoe, and once I was dropped down on the mattress, Harry's fingers picked it off and he flung it somewhere across the room. He kissed my ankle as his fingertips fumbled with the clasps of my shoes until they dropped to the floor and I let out a sigh in relief to be out of the high heels.

He shrugged his own suit jacket off before dropping down on top of me, resting between my parted legs as he grinded his clothed centre into my naked one. The friction of his slacks made me hiss out quietly and I pressed my lips together, "Harry..."

"Hmm?" He hummed as he kissed and licked my neck while I stroked my palms up and down his arms, "I, um... I might be too sore from earlier to go again." I shamefully admitted. But it was true. What we had done on my desk had felt incredibly amazing, but it was rougher than anything we had done before and my vagina had been a punching bag for his dick to repeatedly slam against to the point where it felt a little painful now. I'd definitely need a few days to recover from that.

"Oh." He lifted his head to see me, fingers brushing some locks away from my face as he shot me a smile, "Don't worry about it, I don't mind. It's fine. We don't have to have sex."

"I'm sorry." I sighed, clearly feeling how aroused he was from the thick bulge in his pants. Harry quickly shook his head, "No, no, don't apologize. I get it, it's fine, honestly baby... I don't mind." He pecked my lips softly as I let out a breath.

We kissed again, deeply and softly. His lips felt like velvet as they folded softly over mine, his tongue wet and warm as he asked for access and I gave it to him. I sighed out through my nose as I melted into the mattress, my fingers in his hair as we passionately kissed. I hadn't even noticed my leg bending up more as my foot moved up and down the back of his thigh over the fabric of his pants.

"Can I eat you out?" He asked between kisses as he nudged his nose against mine. My eyes were still closed as I caught my breath and Harry hummed to urge me, "Hmm? I'll be gentle... Please, want to taste you... need to taste you. Can't go a day without the taste of you on my tongue."

I arched my back up at his words as I bit my lip and nodded at his question. His tongue between my legs was absolute heaven and I loved it when he ate me out. I never expected to enjoy oral sex so much, but Harry was very keen on both giving and receiving and I had to admit it was insanely pleasurable.

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