46. (*)

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I was slightly drunk by the time I saw Louis put his hands on Penelope's hips. My stance tensed when I watched his drunken face, pulling her into him and she put her hand firmly on his chest to keep the distance.

They chattered for a bit and the smile on Penelope's face eased me. I couldn't help but stare in envy when he squeezed her hips through the insanely tight dress.

She looked hot. Too hot. I had deliberately been ignoring her a bit all evening because the bodysuit I wore made it hard to conceal my boner. And I got a stiffy whenever she was around me in that little cop outfit.

The high heels elevated her, the stockings made her legs look endless and then the fucking garters on her thighs. They disappeared into the hem of her navy blue dress but I knew what they were leading to. A garter belt. And I couldn't wait to see. Penelope had never worn elaborate lingerie with me. I assumed she simply didn't own anything like that and I was fine with it.

Seeing her in lace undergarments sent me into cardiac arrest already.

I noticed her hand tightening around the rum and coke she was drinking as her smile faltered, and Louis' boisterous laugh echoed through the room, overpowering the bass that was booming through the house.

I frowned when his eyes searched the room and landed on me, the small smirk on his lips made me feel a little uneasy. And then Penelope briefly looked at me too and then it was pretty clear she avoided my eyes.

My teeth clenched together when he moved one hand, sliding it down to her ass but the look on her face proved to me that she told him off immediately. He then squeezed her hips again, pulling her into his bare chest but she pushed against him and shook her head.

They continued to talk for about a minute before she turned around and walked out of the door, leaving Louis on his own in the middle of the room. He looked shocked. I reached for my phone when it buzzed in my pocket.

Message from: Cinnamon

He knows.

I didn't need to ask what exactly he knew. I could guess it from the way Louis was now making his way over to me, smirk on his lips. He truly was a little devil tonight.

"So, Bowie... I've just come across some rather interesting information. Or should I say... Model Man?" He began, making sure nobody else could hear us. I wondered if I should try and play dumb or just admit everything, and I chose the latter.

"Yeah, I figured." I nodded, "She texted me."

I avoided his eye sight. I didn't need to see the shit eating grin on his face, looking so smug that he figured out our secret. I had no idea how he did it, and I had to admit that I was slightly pissed. It made me feel uneasy that so many people knew. Liam honestly didn't care all that much, but Louis was much more teasing and childish than him.

He'd get his fun out of it, I knew that much. He'd play with the information.

"I have to say... I find myself surprised. And a little impressed, to be honest." He spoke, "Been trying to get with Penny for years."

My teeth clenched together when he spoke to me, "And when she denied me again tonight, I knew something was up."

I fought my smirk at the thought. My Penelope denying literally everyone tonight. I had seen it, how guys threw themselves at her. Their eyes lingered on her ass when she walked by, they glanced down to her cleavage when she spoke to them. They tried every cop-line in the book to impress her. I had also seen it on her face that she was uncomfortable with all the unwanted flirting. Not every guy took a 'no' seriously.

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