Chapter 18 - I'll Come Back Right Away

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Chapter 18

I'll Come Back Right Away

The air felt thin as they ran. Breath after breath she pulled in felt empty, like her lungs were littered with holes, and no matter how much she breathed, the air kept escaping. Lucy wheezed quietly, fastening her phase even though she knew she should slow down, just for a minute. But with her friends and master's frenzied sprint, she knew she couldn't stop now.

She ran up next to Natsu, a questioning scowl prominent on his face. He didn't acknowledge her, but Lucy knew he knew she was there. Somehow, he always knew. She slid slightly in the mud, spreading her arms just a tiny bit to balance out the slipperiness, but she didn't look away from Natsu's face, solely focused on their master.

"Gramps?" he finally spoke.

"What is it?" Makarov continued to stare straight ahead but nodded his head slightly. There was a silent pause. Makarov sighed loudly, "You want to know what's going on. All of you do. Of course, you do."

Natsu's voice was quiet when he answered. It sounded strong but it washed over her, quiet as a whisper, maybe not entirely meant to be heard, "Yeah."

"This situation we're in is far more complicated than we previously thought." Makarov began. "With all the destruction and raw power shown we thought that we were getting attacked by a multitude of mages, possibly a dark guild." Makarov slid around the sharp edges of the buildings, the mud seeming to work in his favor as he slid around the next corner. "It appears that we were wrong, we're not being attacked by a dark guild or even a group of different mages. It appears that the city of Magnolia is under attack by only one entity."

"How can all this destruction be caused by only one person? That's ridiculous!" Laxus proclaimed and Lucy couldn't agree with him more.

What they'd seen and went through after the first explosion hit, all seemed like a waking nightmare. And top think that only one person had been the one to cause all that death and destruction made Lucy feel impossibly small.

Lisanna's thoughts seemed to be in the same place as Lucy's, twisting her hands together as she asked, "Are you sure, Master, that all this was caused by only one person?"

Makarov huffed, racing through the streets with them right at his heels. He twisted his neck slightly to look over his shoulder at them, beady eyes haunted, "We have theories, but I don't know for sure. But one thing I can say without question is that whatever it is that's attacking us, can't be human."

The words lingered in the air between them as they ran, sitting heavily on their shoulders and making the light rain seem hundreds of tons heavier. Makarov slid around another corner, but instead of heading right to take the next corner around another house, he raced forward. Wet branches smacked them in the face and harshly onto their legs as they dived into the surrounding forest. Makarov jumped expertly over rocks, roots and dead branches as they descended further into the deep forest.

After a couple minutes of silent thinking, Makarov finally broke the peace, "Together with Blue Pegasus, we managed to locate almost everyone in Fairy Tail."

"They're safe?" asked Mira.

Makarov faltered slightly and sighed, "Most of them are. Unfortunately, Evergreen, Bickslow and Freed were injured a couple of hours ago. Attacked by some woman they said."

"Evergreen?" Elfman immediately prodded. "Is she okay?"

"She's just fine. Freed was the one who took the brunt of it, but even then, he isn't that seriously injured. They're for the most part, still up and talking." Makarov reassured.

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