Chapter 1: Transformation Magic

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I decided to write an Fanfic. Donno what Ship yet but it will probably have one. And this is my first fanfiction ever so bear with me !

Chapter 1: Transformation Magic

It was like any normal day in The fairy tail guild. Drinks, chairs, people and tables where flying around the big hall as there was a big brawl going on.

"Come at me! Or are you to much of chicken, flame brain!" a certain raven haired man screamed as he unconsciously took of his shirt.

"What was that, Stripper!" a muscular pink haired man screamed as they both punched their heads together, as other guild members swore they saw lightning between them.

"That's enough, Natsu, gray!" a woman's voice echoed throughout the building, as she hit the fighting idiots in the head, making a big bump form.

"Owww." they both wined as they feel to the floor from the bear force of the iron glowed hand.

Natsu looked up at the figure who hit them and was meet with a monster. He shivered in fear as he looked to Gray who was shivering too, that was extremely weird because of him being an ice-mage.

"Erza." muttered Gray.

"You two weren't about to fight where you?" Erza said as a dark purple aura began surrounding the scarlet haired beauty, making her 100% nightmare fuel for the to boys on the ground.

Gray and Natsu in mere second had their arms slung around each other's shoulders, slightly dancing weirdly, making everyone except the monster- I mean Erza and the two boys sweat droop.

"No, where best friends, right?" Gray quickly responded as he looked to Natsu.

"Aye sir!" Natsu shouted with a happy-like voice.

"He became Happy." Lucy slowly said as she sweat drooped once again.

"Good." Erza said as she nodded and slowly started to make her way to the bar, making her armor she usually where make a clicking sound every time she took a step.

She immediately forgot her small anger as Mira placed a slice of strawberry cake in front of her. Gray and Natsu breathed out a breath they didn't even know they where holding as they quickly separated themselves from each other in disgust. With sturdy steps Natsu made his way to the bar with his usual carefree grin plastered on his face.

"What's up, Luce?" he half screamed at the blonde as she looked in surprise at the sudden attention.

"Nothing just reading a book." she said as she indeed had a light green book named 'The price of fire', that was written in big black and pink text on the cover. Natsu sweet drooped at how obvious it was she was reading smut.

Yes Natsu knew about... well that. He's not stupid or an idiot or dense or... well you get the picture. That's just an act to protect his friends for knowing his real self. There is terrible people after him that he definitely don't want his nakama to be involved with.

"Y'know Luce you shouldn't read that in public." Natsu quickly said, amusement echoing loudly in his voice and tone.

"What?" Lucy asked confused.

"Nothing! But it's getting dark so I'm heading home. Bye Luce~" he playfully said in his usual carefree tone.

"Eh, okay. Bye, see you tomorrow. Even though I will see you in my bed tonight." (I beet at least half of you thought of that in a other way) she answered the overly energetic fire dragon slayer, but whispered the last part to herself, afraid of Mira hearing her because of her hobby of making couples like a crazy love God in the guild, and Lucy was quite sure she and Natsu was one of those on the top of her list of possible couples. And there's always that Mira might faint if she hears about her and Natsu sleeping in the same bed almost every night.

"Happy! Where going home." Natsu shouted throughout the guild as he made his way to the overly sized front doors of the guild.

"Coming!" an annoyingly amusing voice sang as a blur of blue sped in front of Lucy and towards Natsu.
Natsu and the blue cat, resting on his head lazily, walked on the small gravel path to their house as salience took over them.

"Are you going to tell them?" Happy suddenly spoke, breaking the silence between them.

"You know I can't." Natsu began.

The cricketers began their song in the short and long grass around the path.

"Aye, I know. But can't you just tell them? They will definitely help and you are their nakama so they will do anything to help. And let's not talk about if they found out that you where a-" Happy was cut by Natsu, as the crickets stoped and the silence around them came once again.

"They might get in danger and plus it's easier for them to find me if I do decide to tell the guild."

"I guess." Happy frowned.

"I just wished they could see how amazingly awesome your really are." he huffed as he pouted slightly.

Natsu laughed and petted Happy's head, making him purr softly.

"Yeah, me too buddy."
Natsu woke up by the sunlight lighting up his room and annoyingly shining him in the eyes. He groaned in annoyance and pushed himself up from his warm spot in his hammock. Putting his feet to the floor he yawned away the last of his sleepiness. Suddenly a sharp pain went through his hole body making him winch and breath unevenly.

'This is bad I can't be in human form forever. But if I go in my real from they will definitely sense my magic.' he thought to himself as he held tightly in his shirt.

Natsu winched in pain as he feel to one knee. Making Happy wake up from his spot on Natsu's hammock. He looked worriedly at his best friend sand partner as he winched in pain once again.

'God dammit, I can't hold it much longer. I've already risked letting out a little by letting my guard down when the pain hit me. They might already know I'm here. I'll have to fight it. I have to come up with something.' Natsu thought to himself as he tried to control his breathing as Happy spread his wings and flew and landed on the floor infront of him.

"Are you okay, Natsu?" he asked, looking up at the man in obvious pain in front of him.
"I'm okay Happy. Just my transformation magic acting up." Natsu answered in between breaths.

"Transformation magic?" Happy asked confused.

"I have transformation magic to make me look more human. But the magic I have to keep it up is running out and I can't go out of my human form and to my real even a couple seconds, or they and probably Gramps will notice." Natsu explained has he slowly got more used to the pain.

"Aye, that would be bad." Happy agreed.

"Okay then. Shall we go to the guild now?" Natsu asked the exceed in front of him as he stood up.

"Aye! But are you sure your okay?" he asked, worry creeping up in his voice again.

Natsu huffed and grinned as he went to get dressed.

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