Chapter 19 - For Our Fallen Friends

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Chapter 19

For Our Fallen Friends

Lucy decided the plan was stupid, watching intensely, with narrowed eyes as Natsu crouched beside her. His hand was a heavy comfort on her upper thigh, almost stopping her from saying anything at all. The keyword being 'almost'.

"This is stupid," she hissed into his ear.

Natsu squinted at her, frowning and ducking further behind the wide tree they were currently hiding behind.

"A little too late now, don'tcha think?" he remarked sarcastically.

Lucy gaped slightly, and Natsu just griped her chin and promptly closed her gaping mouth for her, all during a small twitch of his eyebrow.

"I think I liked you more when you were dumb," she mumbled.

Natsu stilled from where he was looking amongst the low hanging branches and leaves, and side eyed her.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she answered and tried to pear over his shoulder. "What do you see? Are they here yet?"

Natsu shrugged lazily and ducked behind the tree again.

"Nah, not yet at least. But I don't understand why we just couldn't attack them. This is just stupid."

Lucy pressed herself alongside his body, sighing along with him.

"It's so we'll have the element of surprise, remember? So, they don't clump together and kill us all. But I don't think it'll work."

He looked at her.


She groaned louder than she intended and flinched slightly as Erza's glare was casted upon her. Even with the quite large distance between them and with Erza being behind a fairly large rock, the glare sent shivers rolling up her spine.

"I don't know, really." she fumbled nervously, before shaking it off and meeting Natsu's eyes. "It's more of a feeling. The creature we fought at the bridge just fought. It seemed braindead."

"Yeah," Natsu mumbled. "It, like, didn't think? It was like it was fighting on command. Or I don't know. Man, this is hard!"

Lucy nudged him slightly as his whining got directly louder, eyebrows scrunching closer as she thought.

"That's perfect, actually." she muttered. "That could possibly be it."

Natsu shifted beside her, his shoulder brushing alongside hers, so he could look down at her comfortably.

"So? It's not like we can do anything now; the plan is in motion and it's not like we can do anything with 'The creatures act on command'." Natsu looked at her and Lucy would be offended by his statement if Natsu wasn't, you know, Natsu.

She deflated a little, puffing her cheeks out.

"You're right, we can't do anything with it now. Master has already decided we'll head for the church alongside the rest of Team Natsu, while the rest distract the creatures— Which is stupid, by the way,"

"Hey, hey, calm down, Luce. Do you have a better plan?" Lucy was about to open her mouth to tell a much better one when he put his entire hand across her mouth and about one third of her face. "No, stop, you don't. This'll work out, all right?"

He smiled cutely at her, and Lucy just gave up, deciding if they did die it's totally not her fault.

She pressed her back against the tree trunk when a harsh bash of wind blew her hair around. She quirked an eyebrow, suddenly feeling uneasy and peered around the side of the trunk to look around for anything suspicions. The bushes around them shifted and the tress swayed and groaned. She heard the loud echoes of footsteps. Before she could see what, the steps belonged to, Natsu dragged her fully behind the tree again. Branches broke under the weight of the thing, and the wind continued to roar around them. She couldn't resist anymore and looked over the edge of the trunk, waiting.

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