Chapter 4: The Sound Of A Battlecry

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Chapter 4: The Sound Of A Battlecry

Everyone charged at the enemy as they screamed a battlecry. The others were already attacking the two men beside the woman that seemed obviously stronger than Elsa.

Gray hopped in the air to land a little further back and brought his hands together.

"ICE-MAKE: ICE CANNON!" he shouted as he landed on the ground with a big ice cannon in his hands.

He shot a couple shots at Elsa that she dodged, meanwhile letting go of the chain that was connected to the steal necklace around Natsu's neck. Taking that as a change Mira swept in in her Saten-Form and carried Natsu behind the bar meanwhile being careful of his injured and bloodied wing.

"Are you okay?" Mira asked Natsu, getting real worried from the pain showing on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." he answers quickly.

"Well you don't look fine. Does it hurt that much?" she asked worried.

"An Angel's wings is one of the most important things and if they do break... it hurts like really bad. But don't worry about me. I'm okay. You should go and help everyone else that is injured. I can wait." Natsu smiled at Mira as she smiled and nodded.

After Mira had gone, the pain flared up again like a Volcano. It felt like every bone in the wing was being broken one by one again and again in a never ending sickle. A hand was suddenly brought on his head as he looked up to see Lucy sitting in front of him. She had a loving smile on her face as she began stroking his hair. Natsu felt safe in the hands of the blonde and his tense shoulders relaxed.

"Does it hurt?" she asked softly, still stroking his pink hair, making him fell better and forget the pain.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Luce. I'm fine." Natsu smiled at Lucy as he closed his eyes.

Lucy hummed and blushed at the pronunciation of her name. God did she like when he called her that. It felt like... well like an Angel saying her name.

Lucy looked at Gray as he was still fighting Elsa, they where about equal in power, but it looked like Gray was losing.

The Angel Slayer shoot a light spell at Gray that send him into the wall a ruff 40 feet away. He groaned in pain and slowly got up as Elsa walked towards him lighting up her light powers again. But the only one who noticed Gray was indeed losing was Lucy, as everyone else was busy fighting the other two.

'I also have to do something. So many times Natsu helped us we must help him! and Gray might need a little help too.' Lucy thought as she began running towards Elsa.

"GATE OF THE GOLDEN BULL KEY, I OPEN THEE! TAURUS!" Lucy shouted as a light shined beside her.

"Moo, what could I do for you nice body today, Lucy~" Taurus sang as hearts came to his eyes while he let his eyes travel up and down her body.

"Attack the blonde with short hair!" Lucy screamed and pointed at the dumb founded Elsa, who where just staring at the weird cow like creature in both disgust and in discomfort at how perverted it was.

Taurus leaped high in the air swinging his axe at Elsa and bringing it down before she could react. She feel to the floor hard and because of her other injuries she didn't get up again and just accepted her defeat.

"Thanks Lucy for finishing her of." Gray smiled, stripping of his Hirt and pants without noticing.

Lucy huffed and looked the other way, not wanting to see his stripping but also not wanting to look him in the eye for believing that she did it for him.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for Natsu. He's the one needing saving this time. So we'll have to do whatever we can to help!" Lucy said with a proud and loving grin plastered on her lips, but only for the one she feel in love with.

"Of course. He is my best friend after all." Gray said, but of course whispered to himself the last part. But unfortunately for him Lucy heard anyways.

"Oh, so you finally admit it." Lucy chuckled holding a hand I front of her mouth.

"Fu fu fu. I'll defiantly tell Natsu about this." Lucy said as she laughed.

"Lucy! I swear to god if you do!" Gray shouted playfully at her.

Lucy's attention where somewhere else though. She was looking at the fight between the rest of the guild and the two men, that was extremely powerful, but they could destroy them quite quickly as it turned out they where just some powerful puppet magic. In other words, they were puppets. They had just finished and was cheering when they all heard a week cough.

Everyone circled around Elsa who was laying defeated on the floor. She was extremely bruised and seemed to have several broken bones. She had just woken up and was just staring at the ceiling.

"Why did you come after Natsu?" Makarov asked her calmly.

Elsa chuckled lightly.

"Why wouldn't I." Elsa answered, looking lovingly over at Natsu who had Lucy now by his side.

All guild members had question marks over their head at her answer.

"I'm sure Natsu will tell you all about it later on." she looked down slightly for a couple minutes but then looked up at Natsu and Lucy once again.

"I may not get him, but I least I tried. And I can see that he's very happy with the person he already got. Sometimes I just have to accept the fact that certain things will never go my way and he will be happy with her."

She looked up at the guild members surrounding her.

"And with his family."

"I may not know what love is, but I know I felt it when I saw him. I will fall, rise, make mistakes, live, learn, I will definitely be hurt more times, but I'm alive. I'm human. I'm not perfect but I'm thankful." she smiled weakly at the guild members and slipped into the darkness of her unconscious.

Sobs where heard as they could feel every word Elsa said. The moment was ruined as they neared Lucy screaming for them to come over to her and Natsu.

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