Chapter 13: Forgiving isn't just for yourself.

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(I know shitty name but I'm in a rush don't judge)
Please read!
So hi. Yeah this is awkward. I'm sooo incredibly sorry for not posting for like 3 or 4 months? But I've had a serious case of writers block and it's been just plain shitty. Plus I broke my iPad, who I write the stories on and it's hard to hit the right letters and stuff sooo, sorry?

I had begun writing this a couple months ago (you might notice it sucks, cuz I've actually gotten better at writing than this shit.) but I wanted to make a longer chapter, but I said fuck it and decided to post it anyways. I haven't read it through or something like that, it probably sucks cuz I wrote it like 3 months ago maybe? Anyhow, hope you guys like it anyways! Sorry again!
Chapter 13: Forgiving isn't just for yourself.

"W-what?" Lisanna stammered, shocked.

"We forgive you."

"H-how can you forgive me so easily?" the take-over mage stammered.

"Lisanna, that's exactly like we asking you why you apologized suddenly. You don't really have a reason except wanting to, right?" Lucy spoke, happy when she nodded.

"We forgive you. Isn't it all that matters?" Natsu smiled kindly.

Lisanna's eyes filled with more tears as they ran down her pale cheeks. Her sobs echoed loudly through the forest as she looked up at the married couple. A huge smile spread along her face as she cried.


Natsu and Lucy helped Lisanna on her feet and gave her a big bear hug. The strong wind blew through their hair and the light smell of ash as they began walking, and Lucy was reminded of something.

"Natsu what about the job?" Lucy whined, following after her husband with sluggish steps.

"We can take another one later, for now I think we should take Lisanna home to Fairy tail."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you, Natsu." said mage purred.

"Watch your tongue, Snake breath, and Natsu this is the first job sense forever. I want to do it, please." Lucy hissed first, then continued whining.

Natsu sighed and looked towards his beautiful wife.

"I'm sorry, Luce, but I'd rather not go back to that old man and his maid. If we actually finish the job we have to and I don't wanna." the pink-haired man wined back, looking towards Lucy.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But you owe me more now, remember?" the Celestial mage huffed.

"Yeah, yeah. Another baby I know."


"What are you guys talking about?" Lisanna suddenly asked, confusion written on her face.

Lucy's face suddenly formed into a evil smile. You could hear small chuckles escaping her as Natsu spoke a soft 'oh no' under his breath.

"You'll see soon." the blonde spoke evilly, laughing even more.

They had been walking a while, chatting among themselves and having a couple laughs, when Natsu looked towards Lucy.

"I can smell some others in the guild that are unknown. Should we take it carefully when we walk in or how do you want to do this?" he asked, wanting to hug his wife when her face scrunched up in a cute thinking face.

"No, I think we should go right in. If the guild, especially if Luke and Nashi is in danger I think we should take it head on." the Celestial mage answered firmly, getting a job from Natsu as they neared the guild hall.

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