Chapter 28

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So I decided to add this extra chapter so you could get a little foresight. I thought you might want to meet Kaleen when she wasn't a baby anymore and when she could actually talk. So I hope you like this chapter. Comment your opinion on the book (please don't be too mean). Thanks for reading! Pic of Kaleen on the Side>>


Chapter 28

Five Years Later

            “Mommy!” Kaleen called running through the house. “Cake! Cake! Cake!” she exclaimed.

            “Alright, alright,” I said kissing her forehead and patting her dark curls. “Cake time everyone!” I called loud enough for everyone at the party to hear. “Alec, babe, could you grab the cake from the fridge while I get the candles and a lighter.

            Alec nodded and went into the kitchen. I followed closely behind.

            Maybe I should catch you up. This is Kaleen’s fifth birthday party. Alec and I got her a fabulous cookie cake for the big day. Her three friends are here running around with her. Jacob Anthony, Isabelle Moore, and Kelly Call. All of them are her age. Jacob is a little monster. Isabelle can be a brat at times. Kelly, though, she’s my favorite; sweet as can be.

            Oh and I should also mention we moved out of the cabin after about a year or two. We went to a town just an hour away from it and are now living in a two story house with four bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms. There’s a nice yard and nice kitchen. I love it.

            I went and pulled the candles out of the far drawer. I also grabbed the lighter off of the microwave. Alec and I made our way into the dining room where the kids were jumping in their seats as they waited for the cake.

            “Mommy! Mommy!” Kaleen yelled clapping her hands. “I want a big piece. I-I want Bubbles!”

            Kaleen was obsessed with the Power Puff Girls and she loved Bubbles so her cake had little Power Puff Girls figurines.

            “Okay, Kallie. I’ll remember that,” I nodded giving her thumbs up. After that I put the candles on the cake and lit them.

            Alec flipped the lights off before walking to me. He had his mother taking the pictures of the party so we could just host. Alec wrapped his arms around me from behind and rubbed my round belly.

            Yes, again. I was six months along.

            “You okay?” Alec asked in my ear as Kaleen made her wish.

            I nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.”

            Kaleen’s eyes lit up as she figured out her wish. Then she blew all five of the candles out with one big breath.

            “Yay! Good job, sweetie,” I grinned clapping with everyone else.

            I stepped forward to cut the cake when Alec stopped me. “I’ll get it,” he whispered in my ear.

            “Daddy, don’t forget I want bubbles,” Kaleen said waving her index finger at Alec as he stepped up to cut the cake.

            “I want Mojo Jojo!” Jacob exclaimed his hand shooting into the air.

            “Can I have Blossom?” Kelly asked tugging on my hand a bit.

            “Of course sweetie,” I nodded looking into her big brown puppy dog eyes. I patted Alec’s arm. “Kelly wants Blossom.”

            “Isabelle, is Buttercup okay with you?” Alec asked meeting her eyes.

            She nodded her little blond curls bouncing.

            I laughed and walked behind Kaleen as Alec handed her the piece that she requested. “Do you like it, baby?”

            She nodded, her lips coated with pink frosting. I grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth, despite her protests. The phone shrilled loudly. I put down the napkin and went in the kitchen to answer it.

            “Hello?” I asked.

            “Audrey, honey, it is so good to hear your voice,” my mom’s voice said over the receiver.

            “Hi mom,” I said sourly.

            I hadn’t really spoken to her. My father and her split up after the wedding and I don’t think either of us told her about Kaleen.

            “How are you, honey?” she asked.

            “I’m good,” I replied.

            “Mommy!” Kaleen yelled. “Who’s on the phone?”

            “Hold on mom,” I said before covering the receiver. “It’s my mom.”

            “Your mom?” Kaleen asked. “Can I say hi?”

            I shook my head. “Not this time, baby.”       

            “But it’s my birthday, mommy!” she exclaimed. “I’m a whole five years old! I’m a big girl now!”

            “I know honey,” I nodded. “But I need you to go back into the dining room and play with your friends while I talk to her okay?”

            “But Mommy!” She yelled stomping her foot.

            “Who’s on the phone?” Alec asked.

            “My mother,” I said before walking past him to go upstairs. “Sorry Mom. I have a lot going on right now.”

            “You have a daughter? Did you and Alec adopt her?” my mother asked.

            “We didn’t adopt her. She’s ours.”

            “What’s her name?”


            “I’m happy for you,” she replied after a moment. “I just wanted to see how you were. I’ll let you go. Bye, Audrey.”

            “Bye, Mom,” I sighed before ending the call. I walked downstairs and put the cordless back on its charger.

            “Everything okay?” Alec asked.

            “Yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded.

            He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me close. “You know you can’t let your stress get up too high.”           

            “I know, Alec. Believe it or not I have done this before and it turned out pretty great,” I said with a smirk.

            “Oh I am very aware of that,” he smirked. “But I’m even more aware of how we made it.”

            I slapped his chest. “It is our five year old daughter’s birthday. This is not a time to bring that up.”

            He kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder. “I love you, Audrey.”

            “I love you too, Alec,” I smiled wrapping my arms around his waist. This was the best life I could ever ask for.

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