Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

            It’s Wednesday. There’s exactly one week left until my wedding. Jace’s parents are back and they’ve announced that his brother and sister are coming home today. I didn’t even know he had siblings. We haven’t talked much since he said he loved me. It still scares me. I spent most of my time in my room. Jace got me books so I can read.

            “Audrey,” Jace said knocking on the door. “My brother and sister have arrived.”

            I rolled off the bed and walked to the door. He took my hand and towed me downstairs. When we got downstairs I saw a slender girl with long blonde hair that was slightly curled and a tall slender guy with wavy blonde hair, a bit longer than Jace’s.

            “You must be the beautiful Audrey that we’ve heard so much about,” he smiled.

            “This is my brother Nate and my sister Gina,” Jace said putting his arm around Gina’s shoulders and clapping Nate on his shoulder.

            “Nice to meet you,” I said with a small smile.

            “The pleasure is mine,” Gina said stepping forward to hug me.

            “It’s wonderful to meet you, Audrey. My wife is spending time with her family so she will not be here until next week,” Nate said patting my shoulder, he would’ve hugged me but Gina was still clinging to me.

            “Alright, Gina, let me spend some time with my bride,” Jace said pulling Gina back.

            “Uh, no,” Gina said. “You’ve spent the past few days with her. I just met her, meaning I get her now.”

            “Gina, please—“

            “Jace, she is mine for the next two hours,” Gina said putting up her hand.

            “Only if she agrees,” Jace said looking at me.

            I tilted my head to the side as Gina gave me a puppy dog face. She had the biggest baby blue eyes ever and they made her look like a three year old. It was literally impossible to deny Gina anything. “Okay.”

            “Yes!” Gina jumped up her fist raised in the air.

            “You shouldn’t have done that,” Nate said shaking his head.

            “It was her eyes,” I said with a squeak to my voice.

            “Don’t worry, they get everyone. Mom and dad almost had another child because she wanted a baby sister when she was eight…luckily it didn’t work,” Jace said putting his arm around my shoulders.

            “Are you serious?” I asked.

            “Very,” Nate nodded. “Can I have a hug now?”

            Jace pushed me forward into Nate, who wrapped his arms tightly around me in a warm hug. I felt a hand on my arm pulling me away. “Time to go,” Gina said pulling me up the left staircase. “We are going to my room.”

            She led me to a room at the end of the hallway—opposite of mine. It was white and fluffy pink all over. The bed was huge and plush-like. The room was fit for a nine year old rather than an eighteen year old. She gave me a look before speaking. “This isn’t how I want my room anymore. I’ve been away so I haven’t had it redone. It didn’t seem important. After the wedding I’m going to have it changed. I’ve been mapping out the new room for the past few months.”

            “Where have you been?” I asked as she led me to sit at a vanity mirror.

            “All over Europe with Nate and my husband who will be here in a few days. I was just in Italy,” she smiled. “You’ll like my husband, Tyler Cassidy. He’s amazing. I know you won’t like Nate’s wife Lillian, she’s a bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone else.”

            “So…how was Italy?” I asked. “I’ve always wanted to go there.

            “It’s amazing. Rome is beautiful,” she said, breathlessly.

            “I’ll bet,” I said.

            “The rest of the family is coming over tonight so I need to get you ready to meet them. Don’t worry they’re all very nice,” she said playing with my hair. “I’m going to pin your hair up so I can work on your make up. But first,” she walked over to her bed and picked up a strapless thigh length red dress. “Put this beauty on.”

            I took a deep breath before taking it and walking to the bathroom to change into it. It wasn’t tight on me, but it wasn’t loose either. It fit me extra well, showing off the few curves that I had. When I walked out she made a weird happy shriek. She pulled me to the vanity mirror and began working on my hair and my makeup.

            When I was done I had black eye shadow and eye liner that perfectly shaped my eyes, making the dark blue stand out even brighter. My hair was curled and it framed my face beautifully. She slipped red flats onto my feet and stood back to admire her handy work. The dress and heels made my legs look longer. I looked different but…the same.

            Gina looked at the clock across the room. “It’s time for the family to begin arriving. Come on let’s go downstairs.”

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