Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

            I sighed flipping through a stupid photo album Alec gave me for our eight year anniversary. It was filled of stupid pictures of us from the time we were four to when he gave it to me. I was one of the few people who could make him laugh and smile—ever since his mom died he’s been a brick freaking wall, except for when he was around me.

            “What’s that?” Jace said in my doorway.

            “An old photo album Alec gave me,” I said turning the page.

            “Filled with pictures of you and him?” asked Jace.

            I nodded. “From the time we were four to when he gave it to me. It was for our eight year anniversary,” I said smiling.

            Jace walked to me and held out a phone. “Call him.”

            “What?” I asked shocked.

            “Call him. I hate seeing you so unhappy. You deserve to have a good friend and I believe Alec is that friend—despite the fact that I despise him.”

            I took the phone in my hand and waited until Jace walked out to dial Alec’s number.

            “Yeah?” he asked.

            “Alec, don’t hang up just wait,” I began. “Alec, I love you, okay? You have been my best friend for years. I don’t want to lose you. Forget the damn marriage, there’s nothing we can do about it—unfortunately—so just be my friend. Be my brother. Don’t just erase yourself from my life. I need you if I’m ever going to get through this, do you understand me Alexander Blake? I need you.”

            There was silence on the other end of the phone—not even a breath.

            “I swear if you hung up on me I will go over to your house and kick your ass,” I snapped. “My parents already sold me to this rich jerk; I don’t want to lose you over this marriage too.”

            “I love you too,” I finally heard.

            I let out a heavy breath and smiled. “Get your ass over here so we can talk,” I said.

            “I…I don’t—“

            “Its fine, Alec,” I cut him off.

            “Okay, I’ll be there soon,” Alec said.

            I hung up and sat on my knees. “You can come back in, Jace, I know you were listening,” I said laying the phone on the bed and crossing my arms.

            He slowly walked in. “Everything okay?”

            I nodded. “Yeah….thank you for…” I said waving my hand at the phone.

            He smiled at me. “You don’t have to thank me, Audrey. I like you; I don’t want you to be unhappy.”

            “I know,” I nodded. “I’m not so happy being stuck here.”

            “Are you going to continue at your school?” asked Jace after a moment.

            “I don’t even know,” I said putting a hand to my forehead.

            “You could come to my school,” he said sitting on my bed beside me.

            “I…don’t know…isn’t your school for rich kids?” I asked.

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