Dragons: Race to the Edge Episode 2

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Episode 2: Dragon Eye of the Beholder Part 2

[Scene begins with Fishlegs, Snotlout, Astrid, Bodil, the twins stuck in a cage in the sinking Reaper]

Fishlegs: Get us out of here!

Gang: [screaming]

Snotlout: Hiccup!

Ruffnut: Get us out of here!

Dagur: [laughing] Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?

[Hiccup goes to save his friends and zooms off on Toothless to the Reaper]

Dagur: Hmm. Disappointing, but all-so-typically Hiccup.

Gang: Get us out of here! Hiccup, help!

Hiccup: Move back from the door! Toothless, plasma blast. [Toothless blasts the door of the cage, but leaves it without a single scratch]

Fishlegs: Dragon-proof bars? Oh, fascinating.

Hiccup: Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing.

Snotlout: [ship rocks to a side, tossing him onto Fishlegs] Whoa! [ships rocks to the other side, tossing Fishlegs onto him] Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!

Hiccup: Toothless, now! [Toothless fires two more shots, but to no avail]  We need more firepower. Guys, dragon calls!

[The gang begins calling their dragons]

[Giant eels emerge, hissing and squirming towards them]

Snotlout: Why'd it have to be EELS?! [Toothless fires more shots at the eels]

Hiccup: Come on! [straining to open the cage] Aah! [Giant eel grabs his leg] Toothless! [Toothless fires at the eel, freeing Hiccup] Thanks, bud. [removes his prosthetic leg and tries to open the door with it]

Snotlout: Uhh! Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Bodil: Aquantis!

Ruffnut: Barf, Belch, get your butts over here!

Hiccup: [clinging onto the cage for his life on the now-vertical ship] Uhh! Toothless!

Toothless: [snarling, gets ready to fire before realizing that he used up his shot limit] [roaring to call other dragons]

[Other dragons fly over]

Gang: AAAHHH! [cage door opens and they fall out of it, clinging onto each other and the open cage door]

Tuffnut: [Holding Hiccup's prosthetic leg] That was great. Aah! No! Aah! [fighting off eels before Barf and Belch emerge and fire at the eels] Oh, so now you decide to show up. [all gets onto their dragons]

Fishlegs: That was way too close.

Bodil: Hiccup, what are we doing?

Hiccup: You guys go back to Berk. I'm going after Dagur. Whatever that cylinder-looking thing is, I know one thing for sure... it shouldn't be in his hands.

[Scene cuts to Dagur's ship]

Dagur: [staring at the cylindrical object] Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this.

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