Episode 11: A Time to Skrill

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Ruffnut: Whoa, I don't like it.

Hiccup: Weird. I don't see any arrows or spears.

Fishlegs: No boulders from catapults.

Hiccup: This really doesn't seem like a Dragon Hunter attack.

Bodil: Well, whoever did this meant business.

Fishlegs: And where did everybody go?

Astrid: They must have evacuated.

Fishlegs: What could possibly scare the Outcasts off their own island?

Tuffnut: Mutton famine?

Ruffnut: Bed bugs? Once those things show up, you can never get rid of 'em.

Hiccup: I think this has something to do with it. These scorch marks, do these look familiar to anyone?

Bodil: Hiccup, do you think it could be...

Hiccup: There. That's the one.

Snotlout: Yep. The Skrill is gone.

Tuffnut: That's a good title for a song. I'm gonna work on that when we get home.

Fishlegs: How did this happen?

Tuffnut: Shoddy workmanship, I'd say.

Ruffnut: Aren't we the ones who sealed him in that big hole?

Hiccup: It doesn't matter how it got out. We've got to get it back before it hurts anybody else, or before Dagur gets a hold of it.

Bodil: Well, the question is, where is it heading?

Fishlegs: Since the Skrill gravitates towards storms to channel its lightning, I would say it's following that storm headed due South from Outcast Island.

Snotlout: Hey, isn't Berk...? Oh, no.

Gustav: Auxiliary riders! Circle formation!

Astrid: Hey, look at that. The A-team, already on the case.

Hiccup: Yeah, okay, you know, it might be a little early in their dragon riding careers to-

Gustav: Look out!

Spitelout: Is that all you got, you sparky lizard? No offense to you, of course. Ahh!

Snotlout: Dad!

Hiccup: Cover the downed Riders! Toothless? No. What are you doing? Toothless, no! Toothless! Oh, come on! Oh! Hey, room for one more?

Stoick: Where in the name of Thor did those wings come from?

Hiccup: Wings? Oh, yes. Uh, I'll tell you later. Right now, I have to get my dragon. Toothless! Oh. Oh, I am sorry about that, bud.

Stoick: Interesting strategy, going nose to nose with the Skrill.

Hiccup: Yeah, that wasn't my strategy.

Bodil: Snotlout, is he okay?

Snotlout: It's my dad. He bludgeons his own head for sport. Of course he's fine. Like I said, he's fine. Except for that blast of lightning he took to the head. Aw, thanks, Dad! I'm proud of you, too.

Fishlegs: Well, all the huts seem to be in fairly good condition.

Astrid: All except for one.

Stoick: My house!

Ruffnut: Hey, Chief, is the charred look in this year?

Tuffnut: I actually happen to think it's trés chic, Chief. I'm thinking of doing it to our hut back on the Edge.

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