Episode 6: The Zippleback Experience

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Hiccup: Alright guys, let's drop the foundation right about....here. That should work. Perfect location.

Fishlegs: I, for one, couldn't be happier that we're finally-

Snotlout: Setting up the new watch tower. We know. We've been hearing about it for the past, oh, I don't know, week, month...What comes next?

Hiccup: Guys, look, this is important. We've been seeing ships of the northern coast that have absolutely no reason to be there. Now with this, [gestures to the foundation of the watch tower] we can send up an early warning signal if they come into our waters.

Snotlout: If you're talking about Dagur and Ryker, and that's who I assume we're talking about-

Hiccup: Actually I wasn't referring to-

Snotlout: How about this? Whoever's out there that shouldn't be out there, let's just get on these very effective fire-breathing war machines and go off and blast them into oblivion.

Hiccup: Because that's not who we are! Since when do we go blasting people into oblivion?

Snotlout: Don't worry, Hookster. He doesn't speak for us.

Ruff: Woo-hoo!

Snotlout: Or them. Definitely not for them.

Ruff: Here we gooo!

Tuff: Oh, I love to cut through the fresh powder. Don't you, sis?!

Ruff: Yeah! Just like a warm knife through yak butter! Woo-hoo!

Tuffnut: Blast! Blast! [explosion] Yeah! Yeah! Again. [another explosion] Zippleback, baby!

Astrid: Those two muttonheads better not bring all that snow up there down on us.

Hiccup: It's not the snow I'm worried about. [the explosions caused an avalanche] It's the ice!

Bodil: We don't get paid enough to babysit them.

[Hiccup, Bodil, Astrid, Snotlout, and Fishlegs take off]

[The twins lose control of Barf and Belch and fall head first in the snow]

Ruff: That hurt.

[Aquantis gets Tuff and Stormfly gets Ruff]

Ruff: Barf!

Tuff: Belch!

Hiccup: Come on, bud.

[Barf and Belch fall off the cliff but Hiccup and Toothless catch them]

[Barf and belch lick Hiccup]

Hiccup: Okay, okay. I-I get it, yo-you're welcome.

Bodil: Uh, Hiccup! I wouldn't do that if I were-

Hiccup: Ahh!

Bodil: You.

Hiccup: Oh. Right.

[Barf and Belch pick Hiccup from the ground by his arms]

Hiccup: Oh. Uh. Can you put me down, guys? Oh-Ah, And it's for moments like these that I always carry a spare.

[Hiccup picks a spare leg and replace the broken leg with it]

Tuff: So! If that's all you need from us, then we'll just be going back to......

Hiccup: Toothless. [Toothless shoots a plasma blast at them]

Tuff: Hey! Your dragon just shot at us.

Hiccup: Yes, I know. I told him to.

Tuff: Not cool, T. Not cool at all.

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