Dragons: Race to the Edge Episode 3

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Episode 3: Imperfect Harmony

(Hiccup positions the Dragon Eye with Toothless ready behind.)

Hiccup: Okay bud, go ahead.

(Toothless lights up the Dragon Eye with a plasma ray, causing a map to appear on the wall.)

Astrid: Woah!

Snotlout: Amazing!

The Twins: Woah!

Tuffnut: Cool!

Fishlegs: Definitely worth getting up for.

Bodil: It's incredible!

Hiccup: Fishlegs, can you make any of it out?

Fishlegs: They're parts of maps and symbols. Nothing I've seen before and there is writing but it is in a language I've never read before.

Snotlout: What's that thing?

Hiccup: That must be some kind of tribal crest or something.

Tuffnut: Ooh, I like that way better than our tribal crest.

Hiccup: Tuff, we don't have a tribal crest.

Ruffnut: Well we should.

Tuffnut: Yeah, and it should be that.

Fishlegs: Hiccup, this map, you realize it...

Hiccup: Goes beyond the boundaries of the archipelago. Oh, I know.

(The twins look at each other)

Bodil: So what's our next move?

(Scene changes to Hiccup and the Berk Council in the Great Hall)

Hiccup: Look at this. There are maps we have never seen, writing we can't read, dragons that we don't recognize. It's incredible. This Dragon Eye, this is proof that there is a whole other world down there, a world that must be explored.

Gobber: This sure beats normal council business.

Stoick: It's alright lads, you can speak your mind. We're a council, after all, that's why we're here.

Spitelout: We've been at peace for three years, best years on Berk I can remember. I think you know as well as I do, when you go looking for trouble, you usually find it.

Sven: I'm with Spitelout, if that Dragon Eye leads to unknown places and new wild dragons then no good will come from any of that.

Hiccup: I completely disagree, Sven. Look around you. How-how can you say that no good can come from discovering new species of dragons. Know if they're out there, we have to find them.

Spitelout: If there is anything you and the other riders should be doing is hunting down Dagur and putting him back in jail, where he belongs.

Hiccup: Another reason to go. Dagur was heading beyond our borders. He thinks we won't go past them. But that's where we'll find him.

Spitelout: Stoick, anytime you like to chime in, we can put this thing to rest.

Stoick: You're right Spitelout, let's put this to rest.

Hiccup: Dad...

Stoick: Let me speak son, this is as important for you to hear as it is for them. Spitelout, you're absolutely right. These have been some of our best years. Nothing is more important than peace, peace among us, peace with our neighbors.

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