Episode 2: Gruff Around the Edges

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Hiccup: [awakens, startled] What the-?!

[Snotlout awakens with a shout in his bed. Astrid sits up suddenly from her bed, welding two knives in battle stance and a bad case of bed hair. Bodil looks up from where she was sharpening her spear and ax. Basically, telling us she was awake already.]

Tuffnut: [through the horn] Goooood morning, Dragon's Edge! I-I-It's Tuff!

Ruffnut: Aaand Ruff!

Tuffnut: Aaand Chicken!

[Chicken squawks]

Tuffnut and Ruffnut: In the mooornings.

Ruffnut: Alright folks, now it's time for your weather forecast. Today's it's gonna be freezing cold.

[Hiccup yawns and walks outside with Toothless.]

Ruffnut: And tomorrow will be, well, freezing cold!

[Snotlout walks outside as well.]

Snotlout: Leave it to you two muttonheads to use the Thunder Ear backwards!

Tuffnut: Ooor...are we using it right-wards?

[Tuffnut goes in close to the Thunder Ear.]

Tuffnut: To inform the masses!

[Snotlout groans and clutches his head.]

Ruffnut: Plus, the earwax on this thing keeps our lips from chapping!

[She applies the earwax onto Tuffnut's and her own lips.]

Ruffnut: [to Tuffnut] You know, we really should market this.

[Heather comes out and yawns.]

Tuffnut: OK, let's check the old mailbag and see what Terrible Terror Mails came in last night.

[Heather looks to her left and startles in surprise as a groggy and messy-haired Astrid arrives to the scene.]

Ruffnut: Oh, here's one for Snotlout! "I miss your snuggles, too." Signed, Mommy.

Snotlout: Hey! That's private!

[Hiccup stands next to Bodil and glances over to see how put together she looks in the morning]

Hiccup: You know it's not right that you look this good so early in the morning.

Bodil: H... does that mean you think I'm good-looking? (This startles Hiccup awake.)

Hiccup: Wel— Well of— of course you're beautiful! (Bo raises her eyebrows at him.) I— I mean, objectively speaking you're probably the prettiest girl I've met so far. Not that the others aren't pretty. What I mean is— (Tuffnut luckily saved Hiccup.)

Tuffnut: This one is addressed to my betrothed.

Bodil: From who Tuff?

Tuffnut: It says from Gobber.

Bodil: Give it to me.

Tuffnut: But we have to read it out loud!

Bodil: Tuffnut! (He is slightly scared and tosses her the note.)

Ruffnut: Whoa, this one's addressed to us! "Dear Ruff and Tuff, your cousin Gruffnut is on his way to visit you today..."

Tuffnut: Wait, Gruffnut? Gruffnut's coming here?! Today? Oh, no. Look at me. I am a mess. Alright, show's over, I gotta go get ready.

[Transition to Toothless lying on the floor, surprised by a crashing sound. Tuffnut is sweeping the floor.]

Tuffnut: [chanting] Gruff is coming, Gruff is coming, Gruff is coming...Gruffnut's gonna be here any second. This place needs to look nice. [to Ruffnut] You wanna help, just a little?

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